Originally published at: Famed American war criminal Henry Kissinger dies | Boing Boing
he took his sweet time. /s
Salt and burn the corpse
We ALL outlived him! Woot!
I’ll just quote Moms Mabley:
I was always taught never to say anything about the dead unless it’s good. He’s dead. Good!”
For more detail:
It’s about goddamned time.
Christ, what a finally dead asshole.
He was taken from us too late.
Only the good die young.
well then, so long fucker, and may the world never forget you for what an evil motherfucker you truly were…
Aw man, that’s a shame. He never did get to accept his all-expenses paid trip to the Hague.
Good fucking riddance.
I appreciate the reminder that he and his ways were lauded and followed by both Republicans and Democrats.
I thought an autumnal Kissinger’s last act would be to bask in the warmth of neoliberal accolades offered by Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power. Its conclusion focused on the ways in which Barack Obama’s pragmatic, managerial militarism echoed Kissinger’s earlier justifications for interventionism and war, and the way Kissinger used Obama’s disregard of national sovereignty, in his reliance on drones and bombing campaigns, as an ex post facto absolution of his own past actions. Asked about his involvement in the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile and his illegal bombing of Cambodia, Kissinger answered that Obama has behaved similarly, pointing to drone assassinations and the ouster of Gaddafi in Libya.
Along with all the time of several million others.