Fantastic infographic of cannabis strains

Originally published at:


Sounds like an even hybrid is for me. Making paintings without wanting to climb into bed.


Seven strains. Same as the number of chakras. Color me skeptical.


I’m leaving “early”, if ya know what I mean.


I had a nasty cannabis strain. Ironically, to treat it the doctor prescribed me more cannabis.


Strange, I don’t see “full-blown panic attack” or “wait for stop sign to turn green” in the mental effects. That’s the strain we always used to get.


“the longest continuously operating medical marijuana dispensary on the planet”

Really? Didn’t they have them in Amsterdam in the 14th century or something?

the key word is “medical” - the Netherlands never used this white lie in the drug policies and laws.


Interestingly, while the notes mention the importance of CBD::THC ratio, the chart entries themselves don’t offer this information. A bit of an oversight, IMO. Yeah, I know you can sort of impute it from the descriptions, but why not just say it?


So, which ones are good for sex again?


What you have against the chakras, and presumably crystals as well? :expressionless:

Is it a white lie, though? There does seem to be legitimate medical use, even if most people are really using it for recreational purposes instead.


CBD has no psychoactive effect, though it can be useful for pain relief and other things. The chart lays out the psychoactive effects, so pointing out high-CBD strains isn’t meaningful in that context.

If you’re looking for high-CBD strains, Harlequin and Cannatonic are both readily available and have high (50% or greater) CBD concentrations. Both would fall into the “heavy hybrid” classification on this chart.


Pretty much any of the sativas, and what this chart calls the clear hybrids. It kind of depends on whether your partner is also partaking. I’d avoid the indicas and indica-heavy hybrids, since they tend to have more of a sedative effect.

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It’s medicine that happens to have wonderful side effects!


There’s a lot of ignorant folks that expect “something more” from weed and there’s plenty of dealers happy to oblige them by soaking the leaves in all manner of other drugs, chemicals, whatever crap they find under the sink. Be glad it wasn’t something worse!




It was seven groups of strains - just about all of their sections had three different strains. Some of them I’d heard of, some I hadn’t.

“anxiolytic” means “anti-anxiety”, so if you want panic attacks you should avoid those. I think the “wait for the stop sign to turn green” is more in the “heavy” categories.

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CBD has no overt psychoactive effects on its own, but its mild anxiolytic effects can be very useful to balance THC’s tendency (especially at higher doses) toward anxiety, jitteriness and paranoia.

THC and CBD both come from the same biologic-precursor pathway. When you breed (as most growers did for many years) for high THC levels, that necessarily produces low CBD levels.

Conversely, most modern medical CBD-rich strains, bred for high CBD, have rather low THC levels.

Me, I like strains with 15-16% or so THC, and 1-2% CBD. Those are hard to find, as everything seems to be either Cannabis Cup prize contenders with 20-25% THC and almost no CBD, or “CBD-rich” med strains with 10-15% CBD and maybe 3-6% THC.

I may have to start custom blending. (-:

Also, cannabinol — CBN — can have a sedative effect in concert with THC. CBN is a breakdown product of both THC and CBD, so it’s generally regarded as a defect caused by poor storage - but some medicinal users find high CBN levels useful when a sedative effect is desired

CBN can be created in extracts by overcooking while decarboxylating. Heat turns the plant’s native (but non-psychoactive) THCA into THC, but it also degrades THC to CBN. Cook too long, and you pass a tipping point where you’re losing more THC to CBN than you’re gaining from THCA.)

So, yeah, both CBD and CBN have no overt psychoactive effects* on their own, but they both modify the THC high in (sometimes-)useful ways.

But there’s still broad individual variance. Take me - I regard almost every fresh herb strain as a stimulant - stuff keeps me up all night, even if it’s “Heavy Indica”. But that’s not typical (though it’s common: I’d guesstimate maybe 10% of the population).

About the only cannabis that makes me sleepy is well-aged hashish, which has had time to degrade a lot of the THC/CBD into CBN.

* No overt psychoactive effects, i.e., it won’t get you high — but CBD by itself it can be a really useful mild anxiolytic, in addition to its anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticonvulsant effects.

Now, in my personal drug-classification schema, anxiolytics definitely go in the ‘psychoactive’ bin (-: but YMMV.

Personally, I suspect a great many people could benefit from a safe, mild, herbal anxiolytic. (-: