Fantastic infographic of cannabis strains

Is there a non witchdoctor version?

Are you saying that people who experience negative effects from cannabis have only experienced it tainted with something else? Seriously?


Yeah, us too.

Or else; “isolate myself and pretend to go to sleep until everybody goes away,” that was always funnest!

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If we’re repeating dumb drug myths from the schoolyard, maybe you can tell us about the Disney stamps soaked in LSD, left out for children!

(Protip: that is also a myth, please don’t repeat that one as well.)

The only common recreational drug that seems to have that problem is cocaine, which seems to be cut with dewormer.

Oh, Pennsylvania. Where art thou?

Cool. I need to speak to my friend going to Colorado


Seems like that’s the hidden prejudice with the Puritanazzi among us: deriving pleasure from the “cure”…


They’d rather millions suffer rather than one person get high, even if those effects can be separated depending on strain.


It’s pretty ironic that you’re the one being superstitious about a number for no good reason.


I assume “continuously operating” is the key phrase.

Are you aware that marijuana itself can be hallucinogenic?

Drug dealers are not slavering Jack Chick demons who love to fuck people up by giving them drugs they didn’t even pay for. Dealers cut drugs with other shit so they can stretch it out farther and sell less product for the same price. That’s where you get shit like borax or random dodgy amphetamines getting mixed into cocaine, for example. No dealer is going to cut cheap weed with expensive-ass hallucinogens, and no one is gonna be fooled by a baggie of marijuana with borax in it. Oregano, maybe.


I have heard this, but have never experienced it personally. And I have taken MASSIVE doses twice in my life (both accidentally.) Everyone’s brain chemistry is different, though, so it’s quite possible.


A friend of mine had a very nasty dissociative trip from eating the recommended dose of a weed cookie from a legal seller in Seattle. I had to talk her down from thinking that everything outside her apartment was a fake set up by the government to deceive her. She doesn’t buy from that seller anymore.

Last time I told this story on BoingBoing I got accused of being a shill, because apparently bad trips are a myth? I dunno, it was weird.


Neither have I, but there’s a whole lot of different kinds of weed out there, and as you say, everyone’s brain chemistry is different.


Anyone who says the brain can’t do this or that has probably never seen someone in the depths of a dissociative fugue or a psychotic episode. Brains are weird and as much as we know, we really don’t understand some parts very well.


nearly all of the users I know like the BZZZ in the brain and don’t consume it for the medical effect. it would surprise me if this is different in the US

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Stoner anecdote corner:
My wife (both familiar enough users) and I were once given a cookie, henceforth known as "The Devil Cookie."
I ate half and proceeded to writhe on the couch in abdominal pain and low grade psychosis for about 5 hours, getting no sleep. The next day, I told my wife about what happened and she decided she would only eat 1/4 of the cookie to be cautious. Her misery was just as intense and she would later say, with a mixture of grief and compassion: “I can’t believe you ate half.” I later explained to a savvy friend of mine and he seemed to understand the mechanics of exactly how such a devil cookie might be produced from the wrong mix of over-curing the weed or something along those lines.

The ones with cocaine and gin.

I don’t know why anyone who waste good sheets of blotter by leaving it out for children (!), but Disney blotter art is a thing:

Not everyone knows the difference between perforated blotter sheets and ‘stamps.’ (-:


I know that stuff exists, the fake story is that people give it to schoolchildren and leave them in playgrounds to entice ten year olds.

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