Far out Star Trek convention at mall in 1976

I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.

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I had my sense of humor taken out back in the 90s.


Everything about this is perfect–so much so that my inner skeptic thinks its someone was trying to do a Wes Anderson parody of some sort. The microphone, the haircut, the Trek theme on the organ, the shirt, the awkward attempts at human interaction and all those earth tones–my god. I want to go back in time and hug the young woman dressed as a vulcan in a blue uniform dress and the smiling black kid in the gold uniform. They’re too precious.

Also, seeing young(ish) Nimoy and Doohan breaks my heart a little bit.


@OtherMichael gave us the questions thread so always assume he is up to some shenanigans.

Wrong. It’s Stampy Cat:

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