Farmer busted after delivering hogtied teen and twentysomthing trespassers to the police station on his quad bike

Originally published at: Farmer busted after delivering hogtied teen and twentysomthing trespassers to the police station on his quad bike - Boing Boing


Huh. I didn’t know that was even a thing in England. TIL.

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Hell, they invented it! It has its origins in English Common Law.


I think child abduction is a more serious offense than trespassing in most jurisdictions.


This is probably false imprisonment rather than kidnapping/abduction, but definitely still more serious than trespassing.


Or, you know, you could try asking them nicely to leave and not drive in your fields, first. :person_shrugging:


Is that the same as illegal confinement?

Also assault, I would think.

I don’t know how he got the pair to comply with being tied up, but I suspect a firearm was involved. If so, the charge of pointing a weapon tends to be taken seriously in the UK.


I have no idea. The difference between false imprisonment and kidnapping in the US has to do with the intent. If you’re doing it for a nefarious purpose (ransom, e.g.) then it’s kidnapping. An unwarranted citizen’s arrest would be false imprisonment. He didn’t have an ill intent, he thought he was bringing them to justice. Still a crime, but without an intent to do something really bad.


There’s also been a big fight in the UK over Right to Roam. I don’t know enough to really detail it, though.


I used the wrong term. (IANAL, it should be obvious). In Canada kidnapping and unlawful confinement (or forcible confinement) are related but somewhat different charges. I don’t really understand this link, but I’m sure you do.


That’s basically the same as in the US, but also subtly different. Here, again, kidnapping requires some “nefarious” intent. Which is why hog tying a trespasser and taking them to the local police, in the US, would not qualify as kidnapping. It would lack the nefarious intent. False imprisonment, your unlawful confinement, doesn’t require any nefarious intent. But, just like that link you posted says for Canada, in the US, kidnapping would, by definition, also include all of the necessary elements of false imprisonment. It’s what we call a lesser included offense. In other words, you can’t kidnap someone without also falsely imprisoning them. But you can falsely imprison someone without kidnapping them.


It is, although to be fair, the fact that they did it doesn’t, in itself, necessarily mean that. I keep reading about how people around the world, having been fed a steady diet of US cop/lawyer media, are confusing US law with their own… e.g. people outside the US insisting on their Miranda rights, etc.

Or, if you were going to do a crazy escalation, you’d do something with the bike they left behind, not leap straight to “hogtying them (presumably under some sort of threat) and risking their life and limb by taking them on a dangerous, unsecured ride.”


Farmers here have shotguns, which are supposed to be carried “breeched”.
(As I understand it).
How this guy managed to hogtie two “trespassers” without the aid of an accomplice is totally unclear to me.

This idiot has stepped over a clearly marked line that he, as a farmer, should have been well aware of.

Or, in short, he’s just another fuckin’ twat.

22.54 by my clock, that may explain the language…


Well if the farmer is smart he’ll enlist the help of his friends at his local British embassy to resolve this. (Unless of course the U.K. has foolishly wasted all their money on building embassies overseas and doesn’t have any domestic ones?)


That’s what I was wondering about as well. The modern fight goes back a long time and intersects with anti-fascist activism.


I’d add reckless endangerment. 4-wheelers can go fast and people die falling off at speed (which unfortunately happened not long ago to a friend of a family member). That is really dangerous, vigilante bullshit that should come with serious conseequences


Future tabloid headline: Sodding Sodbuster Busted


Sounds so familiar, in SoCal’s case, the rich shutting out the public from public beaches.


Dear @boingboing ,
I would like that you caption your images with attribution. Was this image of two figures over a quad bike a photograph? By whom and when? Or was it an AI-constructed image?
I know this is a fun story, and who cares about the image. But it’s a great place to start asking the question.
I ask this not to be a PITA, but to suggest that attribution will be of increasing importance as we go forward through a forest of truth and lies.
Jeff Kowalski