Fastest-growing jobs in 2019: solar panel installer, stastistician, wind turbine techs

Surprised to see not a comment about the rise of Desk clerks in Maryland. What is this the 19th Century? I would prefer not to.


ha! i’m goin for it

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It’s interesting to see statistics indicating that statistician positions are on the rise. Feels meta.

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” - Mark Twain (and others)

Okay. I have a theory. It’s probably crap, but here it goes…

  • Mobile homes are light, and tend to blow away when the weather gets nuts

  • Global warming means the weather is going to get very nuts

  • As the tornadoes increase in size and quantity, more and more mobile homes are going to become incredibly mobile, and need to be caught or replaced

  • New homes are going to have to be installed at an alarming rate, to have them in place before the next tornado comes through

  • Business is BOOMING! Investors are happy! Global what?! Nah. Not real.


Speaking of:


Fastest-growing jobs in 2019: solar panel installer, stastistician, wind turbine techs

But but, Venezuela has the largest oil reserves on earth! And whatever happened to that wonderful ancient idea (which we forgot about in Iraq), “to the victor go the spoils”? Down with Maduro! Up with Exxon and Chevron improving the U.S. economy by pumping oil in Venezuela!

(Says my country in general these days… :slightly_frowning_face: )

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