FBI agent tries to copyright super-secret torture manual, inadvertently makes it public

That would be a violation of copyright, and the FBI could sue you. :smile:

Also, I’m of the “someone involved probably knew what they were doing” camp. Yes, this level of error can made by mistake with sufficient stupidity, but I doubt it.

I’m a little confused. I thought the Kubark stuff was released in 1997 to the Baltimore Sun.


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The copyright office does not allow readers to take pictures or notes, but during a brief inspection, a few redactions stood out.

Besides, we wouldn’t want you to be unable to successfully parody the Black Chamber.

He also had physical custody of the document. Ordinary people don’t, so they cannot use the Copyright Office to leak documents they would like to see.

Probably because he was proud of it.


That would be so very fucking awesome, but I’m not sure such epic cleverness is likely enough; it’s exponentially easier to be that clever in retrospect.

Oh, wait -

Ah, I can definitely see that. Hatred of a boss can be a fierce motivator :smiley:


actually this is too funny to pass up. you were busy trying to give a revisionist treatment again. this is the same julian sanchez that coined the term epistemic closure, isn’t it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemic_closure#Epistemic_closure_in_US_political_discussion

The CIA can’t patent this - there’s prior art.


maybe, i admit i find the humor. however, maybe that ‘boss’ is just that big of an incompetent idiot. it’s bewildering to think about how these people haven’t allowed anyone intelligent enough to become competent through their networking schema.

cough. why do you post here? democratic leadership is your new buzzword? fascinating.

You may have been led astray by Cory’s headline, which describes the document as “super-secret torture manual”. If you link through to the original MotherJones article, no-one is accusing the FBI of writing a torture manual.

As if it’s somehow important which government agency wrote that manual. The point is that the government has/produced such a manual. If you need a manual for something you plan to or already have used the techniques described therein. Democracy with rule of law and Torture are mutually exclusive, thats the point.

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