FDA: infusing young people's blood will not improve your health

Everyone thinks too small. The value is not in receiving the blood: it’s in taking it from others…


I said it last time this topic came up, and I’ll say it again:

All blood is young.


Dear Sirs,

I read with interest your piece stating that infusing young people’s blood does not improve health or prolong life. Have you tried bathing in it?


Ms E. Yrohtab
Des Moines


Could be worse:

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Yes, works fine. Avoid traveling to Hungary though.

Elizabeth Báthory

Emily and Kimzilla of WFMU’s In Real Life did a good show on this topic recently, with Emily transferring some of her young blood to Kim during the broadcast.

How about we sell old rich people on the idea that poop transplants from young people reverses aging, or has that been done yet?

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Seems to work in mice, so obviously


Oh shit, maybe we spoke too soon. Take home? Preliminary studies are just that, and mice are not people.


It makes me wonder about plasma clinics. When I’ve been hard up for money, I’ve been known to sell my plasma. Part of how I made myself feel better about the process was telling myself that I was also helping people. I hate the idea that I might have really been helping some rich nut-bag fulfill their pseudoscience fantasies of eternal life.

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As for Mickey, the corporate lawyers will send out a letter forthwith. /s


Brought to you by Donner Party Planning Services and Catering.


They just want to keep the blood for themselves…

this is so verrry silly !!! " everyone " ( in my circles ) knows that the finest tasting and most efficacious plasma comes from well aged people and has been additionally aged , post decanting , in caves in old oak sherry casks for several decades !! more mellow , rounder , goes better with coffee , or vodka and tomatoe !! remember to always use clean needles and to clean the puncture site !! consult your phlebotomist for proper volumes of ringer solution , saline , or worcestershire ( or oyster ) sauce ; and , don’t forget your towel !

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If it makes you feel better, plasma donors saved my life when I was hospitalized due to a rare genetic disorder, and had to have three rounds of plasmapheresis. For each treatment, over the course of two hours they filtered out all of my plasma and replaced it with donor plasma. I was pretty out of it at the time, but I think it was something like 20 bags of plasma for each treatment. Internet says that’s around 60 liters total, so that’s a lot of donors.


I remember when I was in grade school and the two most “rock and roll” bands of all time were KISS and the Rolling Stones, and the most lurid rumors for both involved blood: that Keith Richards was so full of drugs that he had all of his blood replaced with the blood of young fans to keep him healthy, and that KISS printed a comic book with their own ink. At least the latter ended up being somewhat true.

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