Yeah, and she kinda lied, there. She accounted for the federal employees only - and maybe not even all of them. There’s a much larger contingent of contractors there, who won’t get furloughed because contracts. That place is a whole lot like the NSA, in that few even know how it works…or, not.
So. No national salmonella investigations. The State office will (OMG!) have to actually TALK to each other.
No time to gear up for the next ‘pandemic’. Like…obesity.
No hazmat-suited superheroes not responding to national disasters like Katrina.
No time to tease scary-sounding news items out of 18 month-old survey data as if it happened last week.
And certainly, no Director doing Vogue shoots Like Julie Gerberding did in China during the SARS ‘pandemic’. (Worked fabulously, though. She’s safe as a V.P. at Merck now.)
Probably, no Advisor in Hollywood to pimp the DOTW (Disease of the Week) to television productions.
(It’s kind of like product placement, only preachier.)
No attack on malaria (in Africa), as the present Director has dictated a top priority for his tenure.
Although…Tom Coburn won’t be needing any viagra right about now, so that’s a definite benefit.