Feds approve 2-6 hours of daily porn viewing for government workers

It’s a (trouser) snake.

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Actually, it turns out that porn sites these days are fairly, er, clean, virus (etc.) -wise. They learned long ago to secure their sites against that type of thing because money. On the other hand, church sites can be bad as they often just have a member who isn’t all that savvy run the things.

Government bureaucrats looking at porn, or government bureaucrats reading my e-mails.

Porn-lookers, please!


A “top level employee” in many organizations, public and private, can often get away with behavior much more anti-social than looking at porn. Sometimes they even get promoted for it.

Also, 2 hours/day * 200 days/year * 5 years = 2,000 hours. This guy couldn’t even acquire 4 files an hour from porn sites? Now that is government inefficiency.

Is Mark really posting links to complain about lazy gub’mint workers?

First of all, when this happens in the private sector it doesn’t make the newspaper, and there plenty of people with experience here talking about how the private and public sectors aren’t really that different in this regard, so let’s drop the civil servant bashing.

But also, what’s the theory behind the headline? I guess if those lazy civil servants hear about this case then they will all suddenly start surfing porn instead of doing their jobs because they heard that they can. It’s not like the majority of people in the private and the public sector do their work primarily because of a combination of internalized social pressure and a personal desire to be successful and useful. Apparently we are all homo economicus, just looking for a chance to surf porn.

As @wwwdrich said above, looking at porn at work is probably subject to sexual harassment rules if anyone else knows about it - which is not just to say that it is a technical violation of some rule, but that it is extremely inconsiderate (at best). It also has nothing to do with whether the worker was successfully getting their work done (not that I am saying the were). Our obsession with keeping asses in seats for eight hours a day drives a lot of people to a lot of inappropriate behaviours, some quite a bit more harmful to both themselves and their employers than porn.

And the protections that are keeping this person in their job are also protecting other people from their managers who are drunk, who are high, who are running their own business on the side, who are abusive and/or who spend most of their time looking at porn. I have had numerous managers who would have significantly improved had they been looking at porn instead of harassing their employees. They also do something to mitigate the ill-health effects of job insecurity (which is worse for you than smoking).

Maybe if we sit in judgement of this person then we can think that we ourselves are not teetering on the edge of being judged not worthy of food security by the proxies of rich assholes. Fuck that.


Windows key +D

So this is Net Neutrality?

This is a problem that most telecommuters/self-employed/work at home people have to work through. Why should it be just their privilege?


I’ve encountered porn sites that try to pop up a noisy invitation to live chat with a performer. Kind of annoying when your soeakers are supposed to be broadcasting bon mots from the countess of grantham, or brian cox’s observations on quantum woo…

I read it as an indictment of the government for settling for the standards of the private sector, which led the way on this one.

(edited to add: the private sector led the way in an attempt to stay avoid sanction from judiciary proceedings, which is, absurdly, how a lot of government policy seems to get set these days anyhow).


Depends, is the person in the porn the same person being threatened?

Jesus Christ on roller skates holding sparklers, what assholes. Corporate culture needs to be destroyed.

If you show someone porn without their consent, they are in your porn.

It doesn’t “depend”, and it’s a slippery slope that doesn’t need a 55 gallon drum of lube. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The Internet is for porn. Lots of people look at porn at work. It’s a human instinct, and people will do it even if you tell them that it’s naughty. Most companies won’t call employees out for it unless they receive a complaint from a coworker. Protect yourself. Get a smartphone with a dataplan and sneak off to “the gym” when you get horny. People’s bodies are different and you’re not perverted just because you can’t make it 8 hours without getting off. Maybe a lunch date hookup could help too.

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