Five years and millions of dollars later, Prenda's porno copyright trolls are finally arrested

Those assholes are the firm’s principals. Clearly, they, and the firm, have no principles.

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I had one of their disciples/sycophants Nicoletti and Malibu Media come after me a few years ago. When challenged in court, by the legal representation I obtained, that their lawsuit was misfiled, they threatened to resue in another district. We maintained our assertion, they dropped the case, and never refiled.

My problem with the legal system they’re abusing is that, to sucessfully defend myself, it still cost over $2000. All they needed to do was to spend the filling fee of $50 to file suit. I’m much happier paying my lawyer to defend me against these bottom feeders, but in my opinion, that amount of stress (yes dear, we’re being sued for allegedly downloading porn) and financial burden should, by default, be shouldered by the accuser. They can challenge and defend their case, certainly, but the defendant should be protected inherently in the system. It would stop much of this style of litigation dead in its tracks.


It’s also asymmetrical in other ways. Prenda and other copyright trollies have relatively efficient lawsuit factories and file in jurisdictions where it is convenient for them. They demand early discovery, but, of course, fight discovery, and use motion practice to extend defendant costs before cutting and running at the last minute to avoid adverse judgments, involuntary dismissal and paying attorneys fees to prevailing council. And they just outright lie and get away with it. Malibu Media is, apparently, a fake client in the sense that they were recruited by their law firm, who it seems, was in turn recruited by a shady German company that claims to be the digital forensics investigator but actually appears to run the scheme and is a “witness” that gets paid on contingency (i.e., not a real, disinterested witness if they get paid based on a cut of the winnings). But by being out of the country, the company has managed to get away with all sorts of fakery and fraud, and be an “investigator” without complying with state and local private investigator laws.

Hansmeier and Steele aren’t the only copyright trollies I think should be in jail…


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