Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/20/prenda-law-copyright-troll-law.html
There are good lawyers on both sides!
I’ve followed this story for years and I am so happy to see it end in actual consequences for those involved.
This month I’ve been dealing with the final arrangements for a friend who died recently, thanks to the health impact of harassment from one of these damned litigation mills representing the textbook publishers. We’ve let this legal abuse go on for far too long. These cannibals must be stopped and put away for good!
The register’s sub-editors must be very pleased with that headline.
When will this become a film I wonder
When Kevin Spacey tries a comeback?
Unfortunately, Prenda appears to have reopened under the alias Alpha Law Firm LLC…
Not that this is Prenda Law, prolific copyright trollies we’re dealing with here. Oh no. This case involved Alpha Law Firm LLC, which just happens to have the same address, principles, and operating practices as Prenda, and even did a nice bit of content-sharing between websites. However, the assertion is that they’re completely NOT Prenda, at all, especially since Prenda just shut-up shop.
One located in Washington, D.C. perhaps?
The US textbook industry is thoroughly corrupt. It doesn’t surprise me that these racketeering lawyers have glommed onto it.
The Cambridge Analytica model: once your name becomes too notorious, discard it and start again with a new one.
I’d call it the Blackwater model, but exactly so.
Anyway that TorrentFreak article is five years old. Prenda Law really are finished now.
Yes. I know it’s too much to expect today’s politicians to actually give a damn about people’s lives unless the body count is high enough to make the news, but if there was ever an issue that touched most every middle-class household it would be the dubious practices of this branch of the publishing industry. Yet, it just goes on and on, robbing taxpayers, ballooning student debt, and ruining lives. Seems these days you have to wait for someone like John Oliver to mockingly pull the lid off these cans of worms before authorities are embarrassed into action. I actually hope textbooks go the way the record industry did. It would serve these companies right if Amazon, Apple, and Google crushed them —after all, they were stupid enough to hire the very same lawyers…
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