Flat-Earther's rocket failed again

It’d be a great scam - convince flat-earthers to finance your “rocket,” put together some sheet-metal in a rocket-shape, and act all surprised when it won’t go. (Repeat as needed.) It’s only slightly less dishonest than what he’s doing, which is funding his daredevil stunt ambitions with their money.

Musk is part of the conspiracy*. There, easy.
(*Along with millions of other people. It must get crowded at their meetings.)

Yeah, exactly. There are 16 states that have higher mean elevations. That’s the hilarious part of trying to pass this off as an “experiment” in that it relies on the total ignorance of how high the rocket was going and how high anything else in the world is.

Apparently it’s something so terrible that there’s a massive world-wide conspiracy to keep people from finding out. So… possibly.


That’s actually a really good question…
I think they believe the Antarctic is a giant wall of ice.


I thought they go higher… yup. Much higher. His planned height was 1800 ft. Passenger planes go 39000


This guy sounds like the ideal person to be the public face of the flat earth “movement.” :poo:

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For around 2,000 years ‘flat earth’ was not a thing ( Eratosthenes even had calculated the circumference of the globe in 240 BCE) until author, Washington Irving in the early 19th century took to promoting Columbus as the ‘founder’ of ‘America’.

The new nation having recently had another war (which included setting fire to the ‘White House’) with its former colonial master and had begun to look for an identity and origin beyond Britain. Irving thought that Christopher Columbus’ initial voyage could be a suitable candidate. However there was the problem that Columbus only ‘discovered’ the ‘New World’, because he trusted faulty calculations that made the circumference of the earth much smaller than it actually was (which led him to believe that Asia be could reached by sailing westwards from Europe in much shorter time than other routes).

Irving decided that Columbus would make a better ‘founder’ if he was seen instead of being a faulty navigator who got lucky, but as a ‘modern innovator’ (a precursor of American ‘know-how’) who proposed the radical concept that the earth was not flat but round - so facilitating the possibility of sailing west to Asia.

They myth that people in Europe thought the earth was ‘flat’ until Columbus enlightened them, took hold and even featured in school curriculum. However with the U.S. also having been ‘founded’ my members of pre-enlightenment evangelical cults, the ‘flat earth’ notion also gained traction. A notion largely confined to the U.S. and further manifested by the descendants of the afore mentioned cults creating the current presidency.


Hobby rockets and quadcopters go higher for cheaper.


Fake news.


Yeah, but this crowd seem to only trust their own eyes: they’re immune to photo evidence. Plus he seems more interested in building a manned rocket than proving the world is flat


They believe it’s faked, as they do everything that contradicts their belief. They meet any new evidence with a sad shake of the head, to think how deep and wide the conspiracy goes.

Like every other human being, they accept things that match their biases, and reject everything else out of hand, no matter how easily verified.


I believe they’ve launched rockets with GoPros in the past, but apparently those GoPros were hacked in flight such that they appeared to show curvature of the earth. It seems like a well-known phenomenon in their community.


prominent Flat Earther Mark Sargent actually dismisses the guy and claims he’s not really a flat earther. He does admit they gave him some funding, but he does not count him as a true FE-er, much less a spokesperson. Of course, Mark Sargent is a nutbar, but honestly, very good at sounding rational and level headed (at least in the Oh No Ross and Carrie interview). Especially compared to this clown, so I don’t blame him for distancing himself…


My faith in humanity is weak, thus the reason why I already have a drink poured.


I seem to remember being “taught” this at some point. Thank goodness most of my programming didn’t stick. :wink:


I just have one question: does he use a smart phone?


Good grief, I skydove higher than that. As a beginner. A teenage beginner.


is it part of this special brand of crazy that he’s claiming to use science to disprove, you know… SCIENCE?


Flat earth stupid is contagious. It WAS a smart phone. Now it has a rotary dial.


“I pulled the plunger five different times,” Hughes said.

Maybe that old mower engine needs new plugs?


Oh, no, not again.

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What, are you a potted petunia?