Flat-Earther's rocket failed again

I assume all flat earthers are just trolls, if they do truly believe the earth is flat then their ignorance is even more vast than all of space and their ability to be rational could be overshadowed by a toddler. These dinguses keep saying they want to prove the earth is flat and keep trying to use half assed rockets to get to what? High enough they can take a picture of the “flat earth” below them? The funny thing is it’s totally provable with math that you probably learned in your freshman or sophomore year in high school if you managed to get that far in your education. It just takes a little algebra and geometry to get your answer. I mean if Eratosthenes was able to mathematically calculate the earths diameter back in the third century B.C. why can’t these pathetic, easily confused mouth breathers figure it out today. Go buy a calculator and protractor for around $10 and a spend $40 on gas for the drive and you’ve got a way to show the earth is round from the suns shadow and latitude/longitude.

How to find the radius of the earth with simple geometry.


As it happens, I know a corner of the internet where they talk in forums. They just called the whole thing fake, 'cuz you can’t see the stars. (You can, if you wait until the lighting is right… impatient buggers. lol)

But even in that corner of the internet, flat-earthers are made fun of regularly. Saw this comment posted:

The Flat Earth Society once put out a press release stating they have branches all around THE GLOBE.!!


I believe that you may be greatly underestimating the sheer stupidity of a small fraction of the populace…

For similar examples see “Vaccines only exist to make money and pump your children full of dangerous chemicals” and “Donald tRump is a Genius!”.


It’s complicated and it varies.

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What’s your definition of “small,” partner?

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That interview drove me crazy.

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apparently 46.1%…

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There is no underside. There’s just infinite ground, or infinite ocean, all the way down (or perhaps turtles, all the way down). At least some flat earthers got their start by reading the Bible and noticing that the cosmology in it is of a flat earth covered with a domed sky. Read Genesis 1, and see cosmological passages in Job and Enoch. More on this here.


TBH, if I were already a doubter, this picture would not be the thing that convinced me. I mean, he launched a mannequin in a spacesuit in a CAR FFS. I’ve had fever dreams that were less weird.


This is how Democrats lose elections

Actually, yeah. No hyperbole here.

I was marveling last night at how incredibly weird it is to be alive right now.


It’s populated by a strange species of balloon-like creatures. They maintain a large hydrogen-filled bladder to prevent themselves from falling off the underside and drifting into space. (Because we all know gravity pulls down, right?)

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If that were so it would take a lot more than four hours and 15 minutes to fly from Melbourne to Perth. And Amundsen-Scott would be a much bigger place.

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His rocket isn’t actually trying to prove anything. He was looking for funding long before he found the flat-earthers. Check out his gofundme - what he sold them was press. In return for funding, he promised to put their logo on his rocket, and promised them the AP would cover it. He got his money, they got their logo, and they got their coverage.

Hughes wants to set records. He wants to be evil knievel. And the flat-earthers are just being milked as a gullible source of cash.

So … riding in a passenger plane might achieve more with less money. Heck, standing on a tall building would. But that’s not what he’s trying to achieve. He’s trying to set a record.


Yes !
This is my favourite way to prove the earth isn’t flat :


Works for Musk.





Better question: does he use GPS when he’s driving around in his car?


Yes. It’s just that his phone is much, much smarter than him.
Which would probably be equally true if we’re talking analog, rotary dial, bakelite case and landline.
