Flexi Freedom retractable cord dog leash

I run 5 dog training schools in twenty states. I win.


Now you’re blathering.

If I have to explain it to you, then…

Again, that’s a problem with dog owners and not retractable leashes.

5 dog training schools in 20 states? How does that equate?

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Personal insults? I accept your defeat.

By the way, others here and myself thank you for the laughs. Good night, proud concern trolley.

Psssst. He’s making fun of your fallacious appeal to experience and authority… You’re hilarlious by the way.

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You don’t win if you’re a trainer who doesn’t keep up to date with the latest dog psychology, research, and progressive training techniques better minds than you or I are constantly developing to further the relationship between human and dog in ways that benefit both species.


Luv’n’kisses! ;D

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[quote=“rattypilgrim, post:70, topic:54593”]
You don’t win
[/quote]No one wins when deadly, “complicated-to-use in small towns”, retractable dog leashes are concerned. They are the whirring, deadly killer of the streets that’s only second in body counts to leashes that resemble revolvers that’s probably got people killed somewhere many times over we just haven’t heard about yet.

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Walk down the streets of Denver in the “wrong” nieighborhood with that thing one night, oh, make sure you wear a hoodie and then get back to me.


Another issue with the retractable leashes is that many of them are nearly invisible at a distance, which can be hazardous.


The silent killer.

Well, hazardous to pedestrians and cyclists who can’t or don’t see the extended leash that is directly crossing their path - with an oblivious dog person 20 feet away looking the opposite direction texting or yakking with their friend.


[quote=“SatinSatan, post:79, topic:54593, full:true”]
Well, hazardous to pedestrians and cyclists who can’t or don’t see the extended leash that is directly crossing their path - with an oblivious dog person 20 feet away looking the opposite direction texting or yakking with their friend.
[/quote]Agreed, this menace of the streets is a silent killer.

while you’re yukking it up, a vile truth is that many young black men get KILLED by the police for having an object that could be remotely construed to be the size, color and held in the hand like a gun.

Erm, how many young black men have been killed by police using a novelty dog leash that resembles a revolver but has a bright, red leash spilling out of its barrel and is attached to a dog they’re walking?

You’re exploiting the very real, incredibly tragic plight of police brutality against minorities to prop up your hysterical arguments against retractable dog leashes. You’re now getting beyond boorish and not really funny anymore.

You cease to amuse and we’re done here. At this point, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree if you’re capable of such a thing.

How do you train a dog who is 20 feet away from you?

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