Floating midge larvae regulate their buoyancy by changing the pH value of an organ

That’s pretty cool.

I didn’t know about Resilin, but I definitely trying to keep this on mind. Sound like a thing to keep an eye on.


Neat. Reading the headline I was wondering if it was something along the same lines as how the old baking powder toy submarines work, but I guess it’s a different principle.

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Oh yeah, something very different…

they change the pH level of the air-sac wall

BTW, this still does not explain where the buoyancy change comes from - it seems the air sac should fill with air, right?

Anyway, Resilin is the shit. Wow. How did I study biology, with a minor in systematics/entomology, and never heard of this material?

“The weird thing about resilin is that not only is it really elastic. It will swell if you make it alkaline and contract if you make it acidic.”

So just changing displacement volume.

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Wait, they don’t fill the things, they … erm… decrease the pressure in it and float because they make themselves larger?

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Imagine a filled scuba tank. It will sink. Now image the same mass of air in a giant underwater balloon…

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