Poor girl. Poor mother and poor father. Yesterday it was really hot. I saw the huge line that young people formed in front of the stadium. November is a hot month, but this heat wave is not normal. The young people who came from other states for this show were certainly not prepared to face the weather.
Today was one of the one of the hottest days of the year and Taylor Swift decided to postpone the show due to the Meteorological conditions. The evening TV news is showing young people in line in front of the stadium, waiting since the early hours of the morning. After the death of the young fan and the dozens of people who were treated in hospitals in the region, the state governor distributed water to young fans, ordered firefighters to water those waiting in line and ordered the event organizers to distribute water, install drinking fountains and allow personal water bottles to enter the stadium.
Tonight rained a little, but It wasn’t enough to change the temperature. I hope the heat subsides next week.
baseline now 422 ppm.
Emissions from the motor sector could have fallen by more than 30% between 2010 and 2022 if vehicles had stayed the same size, a report has found.
When I realised I was wrong, I felt really embarrassed…
Admitting I was wrong about something quite as big as climate change was really, really hard
and a lot of people cant overcome that and just keep going pretending. really good for her, cause it is hard, I had my share.
New maps show where snowfall is disappearing