Originally published at: Florida man charged after police find "more than 1 ton" of child porn | Boing Boing
What kind of .01%-er oligarch can afford the ink to print 220,000 pictures on a home printer?
Crickey! That mugshot is going to stick with me.
“Ghoulish” doesn’t even begin to describe his countenance.
Funny, he doesn’t look like a drag queen. I guess all that stuff Gov. DiSantis is saying is incorrect.
Reminder: the “dark net” isn’t the worst only place for this kind of stuff… it’s increasingly on mainstream social media. (npr article about the rise in online abuse material)
OMG!! They arrested Gollum!!
You beat me to it!
I guess I’ll have to think of a pithy comment about The Picture of Dorian Gray.
I guess this is what Matt Gaetz will look like in 40 years?
It has a bio hazard sticker on it and says “Air Science”. Sooo - tap tap tap…
Evidence Drying Cabinet.
This pic must be at the police station.
… which drag queen is this? Oh wait, thats right… the whole protect kids from drag queens is the conservative red herring…
": the “dark net” isn’t the worst place for this kind of stuff… "
That would be false … The darknet apparently is a bottomless chasm of horror in this regard.
Source (This podcast is a deep dive in to the struggles of law enforcement in trying to stem the tide)
To be fair, I’m sure there’s all sorts of trash out there. Just want people to be aware of the real dangers in everyday life. (I assume most kids aren’t setting up a tor browser to chat with their friends)
I hope they’re making sure that printing photos is all he did.
Ugh, the number of damaged lives that volume of material represents…
I’m reminded of Gollum. Is that what looking at that much child porn does to you?