Florida police chief and officer who were outed as KKK members are both out of jobs


Do you really think itā€™s unreasonable to not have people who are aligned with a terrorist organization work in the public sector? Yes, cops are public servant, which means they serve the public. The public includes black people, Jews, atheists, Catholics, and LBGQT people - all of whom the KKK doesnā€™t like and a member of the organization would not be able to do their job effectively serving the public. This is pretty straight forward, actually.


So weird how the right projects their sins onto others.

And also how they enable domestic terrorists. But hey, a race war and mass murder is what they want.

He deserves to have the opportunity to work and support himself and his loved ones. If heā€™s not allowed in positions of authority then a different place should be found for him, or he at least should not be barred from a non-threatening position. This includes management positions, unless you want to forcibly question every manager everywhere about their prejudices and force out anyone with racist/sexist/whatever beliefs.

If youā€™re not willing to do that, and are actually okay with abusive people in management nestled in the woodwork all over the damn place, then maybe we can compromise and only punish/demote/fire people when they actually display abusive behavior?

Why canā€™t his KKK buddies hook him up with a job? Isnā€™t it like a redneck Masons group, or is all they do burning crosses?

In all seriousness, he should be able to work, but heā€™s not entitled by character to be appropriate for every position. And companies should not be forced to employ a known racist leader.


I kind of donā€™t get why everyone assumes that people who say ā€œheritage not hateā€ are lying. I mean, I think theyā€™re deluded, but there are actual humans who are not racist, despise racism, and do not see the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism.


A major force behind KKK recruitment is poor/underemployed white folks trying to find someone to blame for their plight. The Klan as a whole does not skew towards wealth and connections.


?? How does he not have that opportunity ??

Persons employed by a public school district may not have the same authority and power as police, but there are a still a host of reasons to try and prevent those employees being active, unrepentant members of groups long established as hate/terrorist organizations with established histories of violence.

If he wants a job where he might not be fired for being an open racist, heā€™ll have to keep his head down wonā€™t he? Or how would you have it?

Iā€™m sure there are companies that would put him in management as long as the public didnā€™t find out or their own company ethos embraced racists, but I donā€™t see how the question came up. Do you find heā€™s qualified to manage others? I certainly didnā€™t raise the question.

Or let him challenge his dismissal in court!

He didnā€™t have the stones to do so when the investigation uncovered evidence of his activity, perhaps thereā€™s a reason?

The fact is no one has done this fellow a bad turn. Itā€™s on him.


Back in the day, it was also an early MLM scheme. You had to buy Klan approved sheets, pamphlets, horse garb, etc.

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George Carlin ā€” ā€˜Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.ā€™


Convictions of cops for crimes on duty assumes that cops donā€™t occupy a highly privileged position where they enjoy less scrutiny than the public theyā€™re policing, donā€™t have close ties with DAs who have extreme incentives to not bother their police partners, and that cops are not highly unified in their departments and arenā€™t willing to let bad behavior slide.

The fact is these things are common, and police are privileged beyond obscenity.

Either you are extremely naive, or are simply an apologist for powerful people who literally get away with murder.


Serious question but also a side tangent. Are all KKK uniforms homemade? Or does some factory somewhere make and sell them? I got to wondering this and imagining the irony of them being made by some non white factory worker overseas somewhere.

Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re home made what business concern would be on board with making: garments specifically and uniquely designed to express the haterd of non-whites?

Itā€™s a weird looking uniform and I canā€™t imagine a factory turning them out if they knew what they were for, unless otherwise engaged in the cause.

I had to hand-sew my own merit badges onto my sash as a boy scout. My grandma refused to help because she said (and still says) ā€œstitching two things together is simple and easy, even with the disability of being a manā€

Sheā€™s one sharp cookie, even though sheā€™s a fundie christian. She donā€™t take no shit from no one nohow, and makes bad thinkers apologize for their stupidity, and sheā€™s 88 years old.


So, I guess your first merit badge had to be for sewing?


Heh, I never earned the textiles merit badge. Which is actually a thing. But my first merit badge is cooking (hard fought due to AD/HD and impatience) and was the first badge on my sash. The stitching would make a strong man cringe, and wouldnā€™t be acceptable as temporary stitching for a large wound in combat.


As a life-long Floridian, this surprises me. In thirty years, I have never detected much of a Klan presence here. There are a lot of one-percenter biker dudes with swastikas on their arms, but never have I seen any evidence of KKK activity. Too many dixie-boyz moving down hereā€¦

I was guessing they were probably homemade, but looking at images online the higher ups have quite elaborate getups. Also, the clothing industry has quite a few shady players, I donā€™t think it would be that difficult to find someone more then happy to make just about anything.

True. And my Marxist streak shines through when I say that Iā€™d absolutely refuse to do work in any way that runs counters to my ideology. Although as an American citizen with a rudimentary grasp of my countyā€™s history, and by being in such a privileged position Iā€™m nit always equipped to realize that the work Iā€™m doing is in the service of those who would decide that important a threat to their unearned and undeserved hegemony.

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Well, as stated earlier. The KKK uniform manufacturing was carefully controlled. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it was still ā€œby whites for whitesā€ in the USA.

Without exception? That seems pretty incompatible with a Capitalistic society.