Originally published at: Flula Borg hilarious deconstructs that weird "trick or treat, smell my feet" poem | Boing Boing
Borg’s problem with how to deconstruct the poem is that the rhymer lays out two options – either smell my feet or give me something good to eat (i.e. candy). If the recipient of the rhyme fails at either, then the rhymer pulls down their underwear as a last resort. It is not a sequential process, it is an either/or decision that results in the nuclear option if you do not choose from the first two.
That’s not the poem I remember, it was:
Trick or Treat,
Smell my feet,
Give me something good to eat,
Not too big,
Not too small,
Just the size of Montreal.
Granted I grew up in Toronto, so maybe it was a local version.
So a far more accurate version of “Fun size” then?
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