Flute virtuoso's rare instruments destroyed by US customs

Agreed 100%

Yes. Just think! Worst you had to worry about was killing other stuff, or being killed by said stuff. But, it was your very own meat suit, 100%. And if another talking monkey violated that meat suit, you could consider killing that monkey, too. Mama Nature’s a byotch - but she’s not mean or disrespectful about it. Only power-mad monkeys do that sort of thing.

Yes. Yes you are.

As of this writing, in the real world, 21 people thought @phidauex was right. You? Just one.

But let me tell you something I know for certain: People who talk about the “real world” have no respect for reality. The real world is a nuanced place. The “real world” that you refer to is often a justification for cruelty, stupidity, short-sightedness, and invalid dichotomies. More importantly, your mental universe doesn’t contain the concept of agency. Agency means that the real world (without quotes) might suck, but that it doesn’t have to.


And that’s just the damnable thing of it - reeds, bamboo, doesn’t matter which you call it. Won’t really fix it for insurance to pay off, either. They were all handmade, and no telling how long it took him to make them. Could actually take another eleven long, seething years.

Like your writing, though. The thought of the agency melting into the earth kinda makes me smile, too.

I have on occasion imported some extremely delicate and expensive peptides. A perfectly legal product to own, in this country. But the shipping has to go quickly and on ice, or they degrade. Customs has destroyed thousands of dollars’ worth, the FDA more. Because, being identical to certain peptides produced by various mammals, the shipper had the word ‘bovine’ on it, and they went nuts. Had to tell my supplier to use an alternate (but still accurate) description. Not that the agency employees will ever bother to look anything up… mmm. Melllllting into the earth!

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This disgusts me so much. In October, my wife and I returned from a trip to Jamaica with some handmade baskets made from dried palm leaves. They weren’t particularly expensive but we had planned to give them out as presents.

Upon arrival in the US, the ag-K9 sniffed one of them in my wife’s handbag. Secondary inspection was a farcical comedy as one inspector said they were allowed while the other insisted that palm leaves were prohibited. The impasse was settled when a 3rd agent dictated that items made from palm leaves were only allowed if they were shellacked. The dictate was final with no avenue for appeal so we left the basket there for incineration and disposal.

The real comical part was while they confiscated the basket in my wife’s handbag, they completely missed the two identical baskets safely packed away in our checked luggage.

I know of no insurance policy that will cover losses resulting from deliberate actions of government agents under color of authority.

The issue isn’t war on somebody; it’s competence and accountability. We’ll find out in due course how competent our expanding government becomes, and how accountable for wrongs and mistakes.

Because you own a goon squad?

The whole point of talking about the TSA destroying this guy’s flutes is to raise awareness about the fact the TSA needs changing. Dismantling government won’t improve things… Personally, I’m glad we’re not monkeys killing monkeys. Law and stuff is kind of nice.

Sorry for being snarky. My point was there’s no reason to conflate healthcare and the TSA. Healthcare is provably better in countries where there’s a single payer and limited corporate involvement. The problems with the TSA and NSA have been causing aren’t inherent in representative democracy, but in the concept of the “war on terrorism”.

Wow. You mean, you’re a mod here?

I was replying to someone else, who was exploring a different idea altogether. Either of us may or may not have expressed an actual pov concerning the government’s actual future. You certainly don’t have to approve, but if you can’t ask then don’t assume.

Funny that you equate savagery with “liberty”. I assure you that if things go that direction that pencil necked libertarians will be the first “Piggy’s” on the island. Believe that. Be thankful there’s laws preventing the casual rubbing out of the really people.

I don’t think I equate savagery with liberty. That was someone else’s equation (read back if you need to). I merely described the natural order of things in their absence. Rather, I equate power-hungry control freaks with the lack of freedom (in case you didn’t get that earlier). I will continue to maintain that I own this body I live in, whether they (or you) like it, or not.

BTW - I do not hate all laws, any more than I accuse you of loving them all simply because they exist. Or maybe you do - but I’m still not going to level an accusation, as that appears to be much more your style.

History shows us that since prehistory that natural order of things has been for humans to organize themselves into societies of some kind. Governments.

Which has just about nothing to do with this particular government’s foibles and abuses, which are ridiculous, dangerous, and downright damaging to its own citizens in many cases.

(I likewise did not bring up prehistory first. If you have a problem with that, I’m not the person to address. Did what I could, but you just don’t seem to get that.)

Petition is here. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/issue-apology-flute-virtuoso-boujemaa-razgui-and-change-regulations-prevent-further-abuses-us/N9pZLFR6

Like counts are no indication of factuality or accuracy. Not that it may apply here but lets not forget popularity and populism have the same root.

.[quote=“nonfer, post:25, topic:18272, full:true”]
no, legally i should not expect my property abused when i contract to fly.

I dunno about you but for decades my tickets have warned me about limited liability on damage to checked package. “Legally” and “should” don’t always get along with each other.

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Public policy shouldn’t be subject to what people think is reasonable? Last I checked that was purportedly the basis for our system of governance.

I surely did not intend the comment to extend from this discussion board to national governance, should have been more pedantic in my reply.