Chrome has a “feature” where it will try to dynamically resize text that it considers “too small” for your mobile screen.
I haven’t seen that particular “feature” rear its ugly head in a long while, but it looks like that is what you are seeing. I recommend using Chrome Beta to see if that helps. As I mentioned, it’s pretty stable. Dev is where the fragile stuff is.
We changed our android detection a bit and err heavily on the side of sending the mobile design down now. I believe this will help, unless you are one of the very few people on a large Android tablet, in which case you will hate me with the fire of a thousand s.
TL;DR Android tablet ecosystem is more or less dead meat at this point in time relative to iPad (also, the iPad is a hell of a lot better hardware, software, apps you name it, it’s better on iPad, Android tablets are a wasteland of manifold disappointments).
Android phones on the other hand – alive and doing quite well, thanks for asking!