Former employees share harrowing tales of Jimmy Fallon's abusive behavior on "The Tonight Show"

Thinking about how long it took people to act on the mountains of stuff that went with Ellen.
Whatever we have to do not to enable abuse, we’re not doing it fast enough.


Questlove is a good dude. Jimmy Fallon doesn’t deserve him


There are so many ways that his show sucks in front of the scenes, but, yes, there are also things at which he excels.

His Bowie impersonation is nearly as uncanny but all the YouTube copies are really low quality.


I always chalked that up to his target demographic being different than the other two, and that I wasn’t in the one he was aiming at.


C’mon man, no one can do a Beaver like Lorne can.

NBC executives ran Conan O’Brien off the network in favor of this hack. I’m guessing his abusive behavior was known and appreciated by their executives. They probably felt like he was one of them!


I fucking knew he was a douche!

Never liked the show.

I miss Craig Ferguson

(also I miss being able to view flagged and hidden posts if I chose to)


Slightly off topic but as long as we’re dishing Fallon anecdotes: I have a friend who briefly worked for a NYC company that rented specialty props for TV. One day they were setting up props for an episode of SNL back when Fallon was still a cast member. He said he personally witnessed Loren Michael’s watching Fallon on a TV monitor (not sure if it was a rehearsal or live during the show) gripe that Fallon was “just doing a mike Myers imitation”. It’s kinda funny. He definitely evolved into his own thing but you can kinda see that… like early SNL Fallon feels a lot like SNL Mike Myers.


I don’t care for Fallon (like at all. I find him annoying) but wasn’t that more about Jay Leno coming back and Conan being like F these guys I’m going elsewhere… and Fallon was just the replacement they had to resort to because Conan had already moved on? I don’t think there was ever a point where they chose Fallon over Conan was there??


That documentary Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop convinced me that he’s a bit of an asshole behind the scenes too, though probably not as awful as Fallon.


No doubt he can embody others’ talents… but to that I say, Polly wanna cracker?

I’ve never watched a full, show, but of all the interview’s of Fallon’s I’ve watched on YouTube, I very quickly start saying “Will you shut up and let the guest speak!!”

I know the guest is there to spruike their latest film/TV show/Book/CD/whatever but you’ve asked them a question, let the f*cking answer it.


I thought he was charming and mildly funny, which tells how little attention I’ve paid.

I’d be disappointed, shocked, etc, but I’m clean out of fucks.

I mean, that’s fair. And honestly, The Tonight Show would be a prestigious gig. I guess it still is, I just don’t prefer the host. And with all of these late night shows, I like the openers usually, but usually don’t care about interviews or musical guests.

Is that demographic younger people? And if so, don’t they have a sense of humor?

I was curious about ratings, and while I think I find Colbert the funniest, it looks like Fallon was on a downward trend, and Kimmel remained steady. In general, younger people, which I am still part of, according to this graphic, are watching less.


A ton of the comments on this thread are from people emphasizing that they never found Fallon to be funny or talented. That’s fine, but also pretty much completely irrelevant to the subject at hand. Because regardless of whether or not you enjoy watching Fallon, there have been plenty of unambiguously talented, funny people in the entertainment industry who also have turned out to be monsters. It’s easy to dismiss someone as an irredeemable monster if you don’t enjoy their work, but we need to be just as ready to condemn the behaviour of people whose work we do like.


Yeah, pretty much made it my mission to remind people of how he carried water for the former guy back in 2016 and normalized him.


My assessment was more of an explanation about why I personally don’t connect with his show, as opposed to some kind of indictment of him or anyone else.

Many people must find him funny and entertaining because he’s managed to get and keep his show for so many years. Just because I think something is crap doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone does.


I read it when I was around 20 and I couldn’t get over how brutal shit could be on that show.

By the time he was shilling NFTs with Paris Hilton I was long done with him.


Amen. It’s almost cliche Ive seen that so many times. People saying “well I never liked their stuff anyway”. But yeah it has happened a lot with people whose work I do like (and like you said it’s totally irrelevant to the subject at hand). From Hitchcock and woody Allen to John K and this one bummed me out: Calvin Johnson from beat happening and K records… I heard he’s kinda creepy but also was scamming artists on his label like Kimya Dawson from Moldy Peaches. out of money. Such a bummer but yeah even people who make good art can turn out to be jerks.