Originally published at: Fossil of a car-sized millipede found in England | Boing Boing
Car length isn’t car-sized. From that video:
You Britts have all the fun.
Did they make tunnels?
They can get up to 3m.
This fossil may be new, but they have known about Arthropleura for awhile. Something that big, I bet someone would eat it like lobster if it were around today.
I have never thought all that much about bug poop but damn that big leggy monster would have changed everything!
As someone from Newcastle, UK, yeah we sometimes have fun and it’s one the best cities to visit. However don’t visit here please if not vaccinated and prepared to wear a mask occasionally. Unless you are invited to 10 Downing Street for any reason, a jolly knees up. After business, of course.
That is a really small car. I don’t know, probably only three or four clowns could fit in that one.
British clowns?
Were they apex, or did something bigger eat them?
Either way - Nightmare fuel!
The still photo on the video kinda turned me off. Why does everything have to be slobbering and menacing and dripping saliva? I also suspect these bugs didn’t really have the strength to rear up like that, as they are pushing the upper limits of what exoskeletal creatures can do.
Not what I’d want in a muscle car. What are the Roachsters like?
Christ, that looks like one of the Hooders from Neal Asher’s Polity books.
This thing haunted my nightmares when I was a kid and learned there were things lurking in the Carboniferous forest that made Dr Who’s giant maggots look positively pedestrian. The giant dragonflies not a problem - a cow-sized millipede - no thank-you, that sort of horror doesn’t even belong in Australia.
Don’t visit Northumbria 300Mya without a flame thrower - which should work even better with those elevated levels of oxygen.
Maybe it was a Volkswagen Beetle?
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