Fox News and neo-Nazi site call racist massacre an attack on Christianity

Given that it’s apparently fixed in place and can’t be lowered, wouldn’t it be mighty inconvenient to replace if something happened to it?

Say a small drone carrying lighter fuel or similar to burn it in-situ? :smiling_imp: Then a big protest against it being put back up …

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hmm. Hmmm. HMMMMM



I have an idea - let’s all stop calling this “racism”, because last time I looked, all humans are part of the same race. Let’s call it what is really is - COLORISM*.
People are pre-judged by the color of their skin. It should just be a descriptor, like color of hair, or color of eyes, but, for some reason, swaths of America seem to think that somewhere around “dark beige” on the continuum of skin color a line is drawn, and everybody darker than that is suspect, or lesser, or whatever.
Except somehow orange, as a skin color, is OK with them.
This is pretty stupid. We’re all human.

So to answer, what we are doing (my husband, myself, and our children, and now some of our friends**) is spreading the idea that we’re all a part of the human race, and this color thing is just silly. What’s next, hating people for the color of their hair? ***

*Colorism - hating someone based on color, in this particular instance, color of skin.
**It started with just my husband and myself, and is spreading… hey! that grassroots thing might work)
***I need a sarcasm font. I am a ginger.

Oh god, not this argument again. Look, “race” has multiple definitions. One of them is the human classification often based on phenotype. It has been that way since the 17th century. Deal with it.


Seconded. And sad, that in our world of (oft-repeated in all quarters) social media, with the ability to contact a (your) representative in government at the click of a button (whether email client, FB, Twitter, or any of the ravenous social hordes) or even a phone call, and it still seems to be the case that the extremes of civil disobedience are what gets the attention of elected officials. Is Democracy fast enough to handle the social ills of the country?

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I find it odd that you don’t criticize what I said (or analyze it or point out that I’m wrong) but instead you criticize me for suggesting that people should think critically before being morally outraged.

But whatever. No biggie to me, and hopefully not to you.

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