Free energy for sale: Steorn's impossible Orbo hits the market

Though I upvoted the post, I can’t help noticing that the generator is still relying on a good old fashioned Diesel engine (to the left next to the heat exchanger.) Cat/bread power is obviously not much of a thing. It’s a pity that the generator engine isn’t a much bigger V12 from a certain company, or I could add “but Cat power is.”


Reading the article reveals that the author is buying one, and hopefully he will get back to us with what he finds.

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The suspense is killing me…

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I am sort of surprised that they apparently actually paid to have an injection mold made to make these. Any chance they just bought some old thing and repurposed it?

I was referring to the NZ edition of Friday.

I’m ambivalent about the ORBO cae – on the one hand, they’ve sprung for an interesting piece of design; on the other, it’s pretty weird, with the USB dongle right in the middle, too.

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That cover is absolutely glorious! two cities ablaze and the black cat who you know is responsible flaunting its evil nature in front of the police. the amish buggy in the background accidentally wandered into the wrong frame, oops, i was supposed to be two covers over…oh well, we only had the budget to shoot this once folks!



I’m ambivalent about the cover of Friday, as I consider Friday to be one of his books from The Period Which Must Not Be Read, and the ultimate example of how Heinlein was a dirty old man who couldn’t write a decent female character.


I was disturbed to find it on my grandmother’s bookshelf after she died.


Pig North Island or Mainland South Island edition?


Wolfgang Klemperer has a bad dream:

Iconic cover by Michael Whelan is iconic. Gerald Grace did a lot of great classic Sci-Fi covers, but IMO this isn’t really one of them.


Dave Barry came up with that, didn’t he? But rather than a dynamo think he envisioned a cat/buttered bread spinning relay rolling trains between New York and DC.


I have no idea who thought of it. I found it during some random search, when I was almost certainly looking for something else.



Really? No one likes the Gerald Grace cover? I mean obviously Gerald Grace is much better at drawing flying police cars than women, but the other one just seems so boring.


Hey, Cat Power rocks.


I like it, but that’s nostalgia talking: that was the cover in the UK, and that’s the cover I’ve got upstairs. The book itself, I remember less of; but if I remember rightly, that’s maybe just as well.

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…the other one just seems so boring.

I don’t know how old you were when you first encountered the Whelan cover, but I certainly know how old I was, and she…I mean it, made an impression. So there’s that to take into account as well.

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I have to admit that I initially missed the significance of a reference to Friday here. Let There Be Light might be relevant as well.

I recall hearing that that period (and Heinlein’s weirdness during it) was caused by a brain tumour that was blocking the flow of blood to his brain. Upon googling, turns out it was right here on el Boing that I first heard that:

BUT, upon further googling, the Heinlein Society’s biography page says that it wasn’t a tumour, but a blocked left internal carotid artery that was blocking the flow of blood to his brain. They fixed that in 1977, and restored the oxygen flow to his brain. Friday came out in 1982 though. I honestly don’t recall Friday at all, but I don’t remember it being quite as weird and pervy as some of his middle period works.