French court rules in favor of man fired for not going out to drink with co-workers

It can get weird when you work overnight shifts, or finish your job at 1AM or so. Who else is around and available? Who else is going to be at the same part of their day and be ready to have a drink to relax? This is especially true of restaurant people-working through a demanding service leaves you buzzing, not at all ready to just go home to bed.


True, but that would be winding down - not living it up.
And usually something that just happens naturally, not forced.


This. Also, something that can be part of a daily '‘switching from from work mode to non-work mode’ routine.

I had that really down pat pre-covid. A short walk to the bus terminal, a couple of minutes waiting for the bus, usually roundabout 10 minutes. Briefly recapitulating the day, briefly anticipating the next day, not a thought about work from getting on the bus until getting of the bus again on the next day. I miss that.


As stated earlier: Pay me or f**k off.


It’s so that you’ll ignore your rational instinct to do as little work as necessary to survive.

The theory is that if we worker drones are all friends and ideally also think of our bosses as friends and comrades (in the military sense), then we’ll be willing to do more than they’re actually paying us for.

After all, you wouldn’t want let your buddy Frank down by leaving him to deal with all that extra work on his own, would you?

If you did, the firm might have to hire extra staff and what would that do to the bottom line?


“Introverts of the world unite!”

“Where’d y’all go?”


(approximately Rs. 2.54 lakh)

Oh thanks, I was wondering

years of exposure to google news should have taught you lakh and crore by now. One is 10 million, the other is 10,00,00.


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