Biologist - We can make it more nutritious, frost resistant, drought resistant, pest resistant, immune to blight, stay fresh longer, have less allergens…
Delmonte - We want it sweeter, and pink. We’re going to market pink pineapple juice. It’s going to be bigger than pink lemonade.
I will not argue that Monsanto has a track record of heinous actions regarding patents and GMOs. OTOH, some of the anti-GMO people would prefer that all food conform to their idea of organic and natural, ignoring the possible benefits of genetic research, and can get militant about it. AFAIK, the rainbow papaya trees were destroyed purely because they were genetically modified to resist the ringspot virus.
A pretty large percentage of products and food stuffs we consume these days is made with genetically modified crops. Switching to an all organic, heirloom diet and products is admirable to an extent but it’s not easy. I have better things to do with my time.
For me i just don’t have a need for such a thing as a pink pineapple. There’s also genetically modified purple potatoes, also don’t have a need for it so i don’t buy it.
Going out and burning crops because i don’t agree with it is something else entirely.