Frightening footage from inside Viking cruise ship tossed by rough seas

They did and made it into port. Some of the helicopters also had to be diverted to rescue people from a freighter near by. I will see if I can find that article


I was once on a pleasure trip out to the isle of Lundy. The way out was glorious sunshine. As soon as we left to get back to the mainland, some combination of wind and tide had us rolling 45 degrees in every direction. At first I was a bit scared, but then I decided to try to treat it like a free roller coaster ride. :smiley:

@DasKleineTeilchen I don’t mind the width of the oceans, it is the depths that creep me out :smiley: That black water surging up the windows was rather too C’thonic for my liking.


I think that the first thing I saw the wonderful Leslie Nielsen in was “The Forbidden Planet”. He was a quality bloke.

Check out that Brilliantine.


My exact first thought was “NEEDS MORE VIKINGS!”.


New rule from the legal office: only bouncy house style cruise ships from here out!


Roger That! Aye, aye, Cap’n!

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Blimey; I imagined that they just used some sort of subsidiary keels of something. Pumping all that water in an out looks to be a huge amount of effort.

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Captain Obvious here, to note that it’s not the deep parts that wreck ships, but the shallow ones; and that a human drowns in 3 meter deep water exactly the same as in 3 km deep water. I understand the feeling though.


Here’s a weird, non-transitive property:

  • I like ships very much, I am absolutely fascinated by them, in all kinds, shapes and sizes.
  • I’m fairly ambiguous towards hotels. They can be useful, but I don’t think I’ve ever “liked” one.
  • Things that cannot decide which one of the two they are, though… they just make me wary.
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Here in UK the regular sponsors of one or other bits of one or other of the ITV channels (ITV2, ITV3 or ITV4) is Viking River Cruises.
(I’m sick of their constant “Viking RIver Cruises sponsors early evening on ITV3” or “…sponsors afternoons on ITV2”)

This was NOT a river cruise! If I EVER go ona cruise it WILL be river cruise, though. (And I won’t, anyway.)

There are lots of different systems. I imagine a cruise ship would use the most effective system, and hang the cost, because sea-sick cruise passengers won’t come back.


I’Nobody expects the Spam-ish Inquisition!


You really have to stretch to make that bad pun work, yo.


Does anyone know if being on a Viking cruise ship is enough to risk having your soul claimed by Rán when you drown; or do you need to be an actual Viking and/or on a more serious sort of Viking ship?

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But the Krell forgot one thing … Brilliantine, John! Brilliantine for the Hair!



I just got back from a two week volunteer stint on a tallship. One day we were doing an educational sail with about 40 grade school kids on board, and it was the worst swell I saw the entire time. Needless to say, we did two deck washes that day.


Needs some background music.

This sort of cruise sounds like fun to me, at least if the ship was prepared for the waves and made sure the passengers knew what to expect. Heck, call it “Disaster Cruise,” buy some old cruise ships that were built for seaworthiness instead of maximum revenue enhancement, refurbish them and beef them up safety-wise, batten everything down that could move, and start advertising that your line seeks out rough seas and big storms. I bet there would be a lot of takers, particularly in the thrill-seeking, adventurous set. “Attention all passengers, we will shortly be turning off the stabilizers and heading directly into the eye of the hurricane. Please note that the kitchens will be shut down, but MREs and a wide selection of drinks are available at all food service locations, as well as from room service. If you ned it, now is the time to take your dramamine. Have a wonderful storm-tossed day!”

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Let’s make that a trifecta!


All aboard! Set sail for fail!

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