Funny (and true) PSA about helping kids understand that porn isn't reality

JESUS! Gotta say the YouTube comments on that one are pretty good.

Another, yowza…

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Yung Kiwis have it tuf

Lucky! All I had was the stern-faced matrons wearing sensible underwire bras in the Sears catalog.

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!) That spot is pretty awesome.
2) You mean to tell me that I have upwards of 10 terabytes of stuff that isn’t real??

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I grew up in the 70’s and we learned about sex from the inevitable stack of porn magazines hidden in the scrub next to train lines… so I guess offline :grin:

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Not proud of it but I remember getting up late at night when my parents were asleep to download wanking material over dial up modem and printing it out on an ancient ink jet printer. All together it probably took me a good half hour to procure a single treasured picture.

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Anybody going to talk about the respectful, humorous tone struck by the PSA on an important, sensible subject or is it all going to be reminiscing about jacking off to illicit images in The Good Old Days and missing the point that this is about reality and respect?


Same advert dubbed could be used for body dysmorphia.

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