Funny short video: The first couple ever to get married

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It’s funny because it’s based on the all-too-common assumption that the current forms of marriage and other social institutions are exactly the same as they’ve always been!


“How about if they only buy us gifts from this list?”

“Oh, that sounds shady, but I like it.”

I have friends who got married by just going down to the courthouse, getting it official, then telling everyone, and then. . . nothing. They went on with their lives, only now married.


Maybe it needs an Ask a Historian/Ask a Lawyer mashup sequel?


A collaboration made in heaven!

You mean humor relies on its audience being familiar with the situations it describes? And no one watching this video was alive when marriage was about the women being chattel? That makes sense.


I don’t think this video is funny at all. There wasn’t a single reference to treaties between England and France being solidified.


I’ve been binging Ryan George’s videos lately. This one wasn’t as funny to me solely because it involved him talking to someone other than himself.


No, I mean the joke is that it’s based on the erroneous premise - and knowingly so - that marriage has always been in its current form, even though, when presented this way, that premise is obviously absurd; from that tension comes the humor. But, at the same time, many Americans believe - unironically - that institutions such as marriage and families have universally, in both time and space, been identical to their current, American form (even though they need only look around the world to see it’s not true). The humor in that situation comes from the fact that Americans are ignorant fucking idiots.


The fact that both of these people are Canadian makes this a little funny in itself.

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Part of the amusement I derive from your post is the ambiguity that you probably are, but maybe aren’t, actually American yourself.

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Haven’t most ‘American’ comedians originated in Canada. Or is that just my view from the global south.

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