Funny video of conservative pundits awkwardly criticizing the metric system

0x3f0, surely?
A guinea is 0x15 shillings, not 0x14 shillings and six

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Somebody should tell them that all the imperial units are based on metric units now. The inch didn’t use to be exactly 25.4mm. The Fahrenheit scale was adjusted to simplify conversion to Celcius.


I want proof that bowtie and ex-bowtie have ever made anything in the kitchen more complicated than toast, never mind their mythical family recipes.


Years ago, I was working on the brakes of my 1971 Volvo 144. the 12mm socket was too small. The 13mm socket was too big. Wait…the 1/2" was a perfect fit. I was shocked to discover that my Swedish-designed and Belgian assembled car had used SAE-spec bolts. I guess I should have been happy that it wasn’t using Whitworth bolts…


Wait…it was adjusted to simplify conversion? Just how bad was it BEFORE?

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Honestly I was just referring to “salt”
(I believe a pinch of salt was thrown over the shoulder to ward off the devil?)


Good call!

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I also always feel like 0.5L is a bit of a small beer. But checking the conversion, I find it’s actually slightly more than an American pint, which usually seems about the right size to me when drinking American beers. (The Imperial pint is ~20% larger than the American one, being 20 Imperial fluid ounces vs 16 American fluid ounces, where an American fluid ounce is ~4% larger than an Imperial one…)

I think it’s down to the styles of beer - when I’m drinking American pints I’m usually drinking stronger ales, and when I’m drinking stronger European beers (Belgian ales, perhaps) they’re usually served in 0.2-0.3L glasses, whereas 0.5/1L servings are typical for lagers.

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Doesn’t 5 friends mean you need six beers? If you can’t remember to count yourself, then maybe you shouldn’t be in charge of getting drinks. Besides, even Germany, one of the most metric countries, sells 0.5l cans and 1l plastic bottles in packs of six, so your argument is silly.


5 friends means you need 15 or 20 beers in my experience.


So you yourself won’t be drinking?

No, wait, you’re right. You need the 12 minimum, then a couple for the thirstier guys. Best plan for three rounds, and a couple of spares. A case of 20 will do the trick.


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