Game reviewer learns how to make big corporations fight each other on YouTube

I love it when two wrongs make a right.


But that change in Youtube policy will expose something else that is a weakness within its own policy. Remember, everything’s on a cob.

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He just did a follow-up video on this:

In a completely unrelated coincidence, YouTube just announced some changes to Content ID.

  1. Privacy Badger seems to have eliminated Youtube ads for me. Can’t remember the last time I saw one.
  2. That guy looks like Jim Jones.

That’s their defence of fair use? I mean, sure, it helps in the event of successful resolution of a dispute, but it was possible to work around that anyway by uploading the video privately and clearing the dispute before announcing it. The far larger problem is their horrendous resolution process itself - why the hell are the copyright claimants the judge of the dispute validity? I’ve seen more than one dispute wrongly judged in the claimant’s favor because they just said “Yep, that’s mine!” even though it clearly wasn’t.


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