Gamergate bogeywoman Zoe Quinn sells a memoir, movie about her harassment

There’s also heavy overlap with reactionary culture warriors decrying feminist/gay/non-Christian influence on popular culture - see how GG has become the darlings of Breitbart and others of that ilk. (Although I suppose MRAs tend towards the reactionary in general as well.)


Additionally, if the chat logs and basic factual accusations her ex made about her are accurate (which, who knows?), she would, despite the massively undeserved (whether she’s guilty or not) fallout, still be a seriously unsympathetic protagonist*. I’m pretty curious about whether her memoir will directly address his accusations, which as far as I know she hasn’t done publicly yet, but which certainly seems like it would be important to a movie plot.

*This is me being as diplomatic and charitable as possible.

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I think having an incoherent vitriolic ranting blog post by an ex triggering a crazy shitstorm could make for a good plot element. There’s no reason the plot would have to carefully consider the credibility or factuality of the insecure fantasies of a jilted lover ranting to the world.


I found it to be anything but “incoherent”. I found it overwhelming in its thoroughness and coherence. Regardless of whether or not he should’ve posted it, it’s a deeply sad and painful thing to read, and at the very least “seems” perfectly authentic and plausible. You assume it’s true enough to call him a “jilted lover”, but if it really is true he is a victim of genuine emotional abuse.

Give it a few hours. They sleep in.


To me it read like a really bitter and angry person trying to show what a poor, sad, pathetic victim he was fabricating a stream of difficult to believe paranoid/delusional fantasies about how his ex was a slut-whore-monster, while mixing in bits of evidence that were dirty laundry only a complete cretin would choose to share with the world. There’s zero-sympathy possible for the obnoxious dude who wrote his angry letter to the world about how his ex is a slut-beast, so for a plot point, one would only need to focus on the letter for what it was, a very bitter, very angry ex posting the most abusive things he could come up with on the internet, goading others into a hate-campaign against the ex (while lying and saying he wasn’t) and work from there.


I stared at this picture for about 30 seconds trying to figure out why he was slurping on a straw stuck into his hand that was holding nothing. Then I realized the light brown area was a cup, not part of his shirt.


Those little love-sob-stories are no concern of mine (or someone else) and I’m glad that most people know that and keep it for themselves.


Arguably, it becomes other people’s concern when the “little love-sob-story” is a record of emotional abuse.

It’s rich to focus on your pathos for the emotional abuse of the fellow who unleashed a massive campaign of mass-scale harassment, rape threats, death threats against his ex that bled over onto any women that got uppity. Clearly he’s the real victim here.



Those involved not “strangers from the intertubes”



I think it’s interesting, in the context of a post about a memoir/movie deal about this woman’s story, to note that it’s plausible that a big part of this story (ie, the catalyst from which the central act of apparent revenge manifested) might be that this woman may be an incredibly awful abusive asshole. There isn’t, and doesn’t need to be, one “real” victim.

Its always so interesting when a man accuses a woman of say “emotional abuse” the knee jerk reaction for a certain circle of people is to believe the man. And yet say if a woman accuses a man of anything at all those self same people also doubt the woman… “funny” that, I wonder why that is?


So you’re using a completely non-credible character assassination as your primary source. That’s puzzling, but feel free to believe the angry ex with his own history of spinning and lying. That’s your choice.

You’ve also decided that the writers have to take the rant from the lying ex seriously. That’s stupid.

I think you’ve also decided that the story has to have a boring protagonist who is a pure embodiment of virtue. It doesn’t. The interesting part is more Quinn’s character in the face of the onslaught of abuse by a few thousand adolescents, not a bad relationship with a creep where she may or may not have been a great girlfriend (not that we really have much reliable data there).

If your concern is for the story, don’t worry, if the writers are decent they won’t have your tunnel-vision or naive trust of one unreliable witness. Your idea that this has to be a “big part of the story” gives the appearance that your concern for the story is more a pretext to perpetuate the character assassination of Quinn.


So you’re undecided whether she deserved it? Darned white of you to give the victim the benefit of the doubt.




Congratulations on your white penis.


because all women not part of Gamergate are lying whores, obviously.

The ones who are are part of it also lying whores if they ever claim Gamergate turned on them when they broke dogma on literally anything.

Also sexism no longer exists and any female who says they’ve experienced it is lying for money and/or dick from all those “white knights” swarming the internet nowadays.

(/s,. of course)


New account @RedTower is already here. Some GamerGaters have moms that make them wake up early! If only they’d make them clean their rooms before they spew ignorant sexist hate on the internet we’d all be better off.


They seem to realized that Leigh Alexander (who’s on their shit list for that Article a while back) is part of BoingBoing, and it’s best that they complain about the so called SJWs on sites like 8chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Those basically attempts to justify their cruel, unwanted, invasive, and drama inducing behaviors that they often do online.