@anon29537550 If you run out of crates, laundry baskets and hampers (cleaned) work well, and can be hosed out when emptied.
This was one of the worst hard years for food raising for us in Central Texas. We got a lengthy drought, our community well is at 40% mandatory curtailment (goodbye supplemental irrigation between rains!), and the heat has been triple digits for a much longer span than “usual.” All this and more pushes me to find our forever home outside of Texas (frankly, I had thought this one we are in now was our forever home and I planned to die here, but nope).
We are in Month Two of curtailment with no end in sight. Every bloom is a miracle. Every drop of rain is a miracle. I found out recently that our Trinity Aquifer water is 45,000+ years old and our pocket (where well taps in, 800+ feet deep) of the aquifer recharges very very slowly, unlike the larger Edwards Aquifer. The event horizon for Zero Day of water supply is nearly upon me and mine.
As I cast about, looking for the next living spot on our only home planet, I will say goodbye here to soils I helped build and inoculate, young trees I planted, still caged to keep out the deer, that must fend for themselves once we move out. I must read the signs and understand where they point me.
To garden is to set down roots. Some roots go deeper than others. We are impermanent (or our bodies are, anyway). That message to me is clearer and louder every day. A crescendo that will continue until we sell, load out, with this joint in our rear view mirror.
Looking at a few places with soil and respectable rainfall (relatively; I know past is no longer prologue thanks to climate change). Good broadband–not satellite–is second priority to having a reliable (as can be feasible) water supply. Virginia looks good, among other places. The cost of living there, compared with here, in their smaller towns at least, seems doable. The job scene, we may have to do more to sort out. Some of our work is remote, but not all.
Food water shelter.
Gardening is right there, in between the spaces of each letter.