Gardening, Part 2

I think I’ve been getting some targeted advertising…

(I’ve gotten this same ad multiple times. Took this screenshot a couple of weeks ago; just cleaning up my desktop now.)


Well, I suppose just watching is just another form of just looking.



It’s that time!

4 1/2 bushels of Asian pears, some for brewing, some for neighbors, some for food bank, some for preserving. Bartlett’s next, then apples and grapes, persimmons later on. But we will be canning, drying, freezing and distributing for the next couple months. Yay!


making any cider with those? loves me some pear cider, yessir!
i just picked the last of the starfruit from our tree. ended up with just under 4kg. i will be starting a starfruit apple cider tomorrow. hope it comes out good, because this tree is very prolific and i will want to do it again!


I do, although i do a hybrid mead/cider/peary sort of thing. It’s very good, just tough to catagorize.


First time growing amaranth, pretty darn easy.
Cooked up one of the bright pink ones with dinner last night!


I want the shoes.


So does he. One of his first words is “shhu!”. (With wild gesticulating and gathering of any and all shoes when he wants to go outside). :laughing:



Various tomatoes: Roma, San Marzano, Beefsteak, Chadwick cherry, Black Strawberry.

Various peppers: yellow banana, jalapeño, poblano, cayenne, bell, sweet banana

Also cucumber, Canteloupe, eggplant and red cabbage.

Picked the last of the carrots yesterday.


nice peppers! i see a delectable salsa there, with tomatoes and jalapenos. needs onion and cilantro and - yumms!


Onions are in the basement and cilantro was dehydrated earlier. Yes salsa is very much in my plans today


That time of year. Got the last of the pears in, canned 35 qts, shredded and froze 10# for brewing later, and last 1/2 bushel or so is bound for Ginger-Pear Jam when Carrie gets around to it. It’s been a really good year between Asian and European pears. Apples are next, with jujubes and persimmons ripening. I am going to do an experiment with the watermelon, will let y’all know if it works. I love the harvest time!


Ok, so aforementioned watermelon experiment. Background info first. I have never grown full-size watermelons before, so i got some seeds for a variety called Moon and Stars. Mostly because it was pretty. I planted 4. For any unaware, watermelon love heat. We’ve had a bit of that. So these 4 proceeded to give me 25 (at last count) 20 to 40# melons! What the hell do you do with that? Well, we ate some, inflicted some upon family and friends (sorry, @j9c) and still had not made much impact on the tonnage. I hate waste, so looked for a method of preservation. So i found 2 that looked ripe (one had started to split from the rains we had yesterday. ) And this was my result. 8 qts of juice, spiked with lemon juice to get the pH down to safe water bath range, and aronia berries so there was some substance to it. Otherwise, it’s pretty much sugar water. 13 pts of pickled rind (probably my favorite part) and one sheet of fruit leather. It really is amazing how little there is once you remove the water! Anyway, it worked, with only skin and seeds going to compost. Was it worth it? Not sure. Won’t do it again this year. The fruit leather was a lot more “leathery” than i like, probably because i had removed the juice first. But, it was a fun technique to put in the book!


Loved the watermelon. Delish.
And: we saved the seeds!


Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of wartermelon!

Looking forward to planting on a slope, probably with some erosion-control bales (of organic straw, if I can find that).


For this recipe you will need: freezer space!

  • -4 fresh pears
  • ½ cup honey
  • 1 lemon
  • ⅔ cup Riesling wine

or skip the honey and use a Gewurztraminer… keep the lemon though:

  • 5 ripe pears, peeled and sliced
  • 3/4 cup Riesling - you can also use another sweet white wine like a Gewurztraminer or pop open some Champagne
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 4 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice - about 1 small lemon

Shitakes! Bananas for scale.


would ya look at those…