I always assumed it was the apartment across the hall.
668, The neighbour of the Beast,
Hell and Fire, is what we will be cooking our chicken wings over tonight.
*Bring your own Beast.
Yeah one good thing about California’s high gas prices is that the state is ahead of most when it comes to transitioning to zero-emission vehicles. And I sure don’t miss the “Smog Days” of my youth before California helped lead the way in eliminating leaded gasoline.
I swear the gas stations by us are using the Ticketmaster business model. Prices fluctuate by demand or in our case, gas prices change by the hour.
Driving past at 6 am it’s 3.59, going past at 10am the same day it’s 3.79. Later in the day it’s 3.99 and then it’s starts all over the next day.
It’s not just one station either.
I can’t figure it out.
I mean, Chevron is constantly spilling oil into the Bay, you’d think we would at least get a discount for it.
then it’s probably working as designed
Since we’re handing out pedantry medals in this thread, I’ll compete for one.
Leaded gasoline wasn’t the cause of of smog. California fixed smog by requiring smog controls on engines. EGR valves, air pumps, catalytic converters, etc. Unleaded gasoline was introduced to lower the levels of lead in the environment. Scientists had found that there was lead everywhere in the 1970s and it was cognitively impairing children. Cars spraying lead everywhere turned out to be one of the major causes of that environmental lead. That’s in the dirt, on surfaces, etc (not in the air). The great thing about CARB (the CA agency that regulates smog equipment on engines) is that they single-handedly fixed smog in all American cities. Because California is the largest market for cars, they all get the equipment rather than carmakers making multiple versions of cars for different parts of the country.
They actually did make separate versions for a little while in the 1970s and early 1980s during what car buffs call The Malaise Era of cars, when smog equipment hampered engine performance badly. They left off the air pumps and such on cars shipped to other states at that time. Modern smog equipment doesn’t hamper performance though, so they’ve long since stopped doing that.
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