Gendered objectification

And you literally just have to be a few years older than them for them to decide you’re a “cougar”, even if you vehemently express disinterest in having sex with people half your age. Ask me how I know lol.

I told a guy once “I think you forget that all us ‘older’ women were 24 once ourselves. We already know what sex with you is like.”


A nephew in university once complained about all the cougars at the bars hitting on the uni boys.
I laughed and asked how old the cougars where,

“Oh old, you know, like 24 or 25”

24 or 25.




I think it goes back to people being deeply uncomfortable with the idea of their parents having sex. You take the virgin/whore dichotomy and try to apply it to moms who obviously can’t be virgins but who you are deeply uncomfortable calling whores and you end up with this jumbled mess (obviously not you). You take away the pejorative context and the world is just full of people who know a literal MILF in the present tense (Mom I Like to Fuck instead of Mom I’d Like to Fuck). Many of them are referred to as “Dads”. Somehow that extremely obvious fact is a cause for cognitive dissonance.

But how the hell is that the same as being a cougar?

I just wish that people who were building tacit misogynist assumptions into their language and worldview would use correct terminology! That is obvious what is important here.

You find me a 20-year-old man who doesn’t want to have sex with a 25-year-old woman because she is too old and I’ll find you a 20-year-old man who can’t get attention from 25-year-old women because they think he’s too young.


In my early 30’s I suddenly became bizarrely irresistible to 19-20 year old males. One of them was the older brother of one of my 5th graders; he’d pester me to go out with him every time he came to pick up his sister despite my repeated mentions of my upcoming wedding. One day when I was out sick he apparently pissed off my substitute by demanding to know where I was. Never saw him again after that, so she either had him banned from campus or killed him and hid the body.


I think the substitute wrote this article…

(stay with it, read it to the end)


That was fantastic.


I saw that one a few days ago. It … did not go where I expected :laughing:

Edit: I didn’t read any comments but I bet guys got reeeeeeaaaaal mad about it.


pretty horrible story. made it sound like a slut with no morals got uppity bc the guy she wanted to hook up with didn’t match what she wanted so she _____. lame and boring.


[quote=Same Guy (linked with his facebook no less!)]creepy af statement? why don’t you elaborate and lets see why it is and how smart you really are. also nice that you can make a judgement over the computer without knowing a person. this story prooves that people make harsh judgements without actually looking at the whole picture. yall sit there and judge the dude as a rapey person, he may be a douche and your regular nasty guy that trolls for an easy lay, but none of yall said anything about her. yall take her side when she did not say no, and instead led him on and then killed him. guys like him are a dime a dozen in the bar and are overbearing. she also made a judgement upon him which most do. did he lay hands on her? no. did he do anything to harm her? no. he was over bearing, but she killed him without saying NO. there was no telling him to get out, leave, or a NO. why don’t you read this piece of dribble again, we see this reaction in alot of stories it is played out and boring. i see people like you are like most, a person that probably has always judged people all your life no matter who they are and probably bitter and nasty.[/quote]  


I’ve been “cougared” more than once, and it’s a wee bit awkward. One time I was on a group tour of Australia with my boyfriend; he gets special rates with a tour company that specializes in retirees. One of the tour members was a lady in her mid-60s who immediately started with the playful flirtation (“Can one of you big strong men help me with my luggage?”) which progressed into full on seduction after a few glasses of wine (“How about you come visit my room after dinner? An old lady can teach a young boy* some tricks, mmmmhmmmm.”) I avoided leading her on or doing anything, especially after she started talking about how desperate she was to “make babies”.
*This is when I was 39.



Methinks the dude identifies with the man in the story a little too much no?

This has nothing to do with this conversation, but I’ve been looking for it for a while, and it belongs in this thread:


[quote=“Missy_Pants, post:508, topic:100802”]
Also if dudes could stop trying to kiss our female bartender’s hands that would be great.
[/quote]I’m suddenly horrified.


Oh good, that wasn’t just me. Shit that was weird.


It amuses my inner evil overlord to think it was the latter option.


The Alamo Draft House is holding a “women only” screening of Wonder Woman with all the proceeds going to Planned Parenthood. The screening sold out in an hour. Cue the “male tears” and complaints of sexism and threats of lawsuits. ONE screening is “women only” and OMG OPPRESSION!


I want to see the Venn diagram of “men who are complaining” and “men who weren’t going to see it anyway because girl superheroes suck”.


Haven’t you seen a circle before? :wink:



“My height is 178 cm, which explains how I got on the high school basketball team. I was not an amazing shooter, but I ripped them on defense.”

“[on Wonder Woman’s smirk in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”] I did that. I remember after we did that take, Zack [director Zack Snyder] came to me and he said, ‘Did you just have a smirk?’ I said ‘Yeah.’ And he asked, ‘Why? I think I like it, but why?’ ‘Well if [Doomsday’s] gonna mess with her, then she’s gonna mess with him. And she knows she’s gonna win.’ At the end of the day Wonder Woman is a peace seeker. But when fight arrives, she can fight. She’s a warrior and she enjoys the adrenaline of the fight.”

“[on fan’s backlash over her casting as Wonder Woman] They said that I was too skinny and my boobs were too small… They said my head was too big and my body was like a broomstick. I can take anything. It’s just empty talk. I can understand that part of what I’m doing means being exposed. And part of being exposed is being under fire.”
