General Moderation Topic

User Ghost_In_A_Jar has been given a timeout for repeatedly, over many topics, posting their displeasure that Boing Boing covers some subjects they are not interested in.

Boing Boing is the sum total of many diverse voices, posting about the things that interest them. Sometimes those voices disagree. Sometimes they cover topics others aren’t interested in. Sometimes those voices repeat each other. We regret the latter, but the former traits are part of what, in my opinion, makes this place so wonderful in the first place.

This necessarily means that not every story may be of interest to every Mutant. Them’s the breaks. But putting in the effort to make sure everyone is aware of your displeasure, every time a topic comes up you don’t want covering contributes nothing to the BBS as a whole. You are welcome to redirect your eyeballs to other wonderful areas of Boing Boing that do interest you instead. I promise it will be more productive and fulfilling than complaining about the parts that do not interest you!
