General Moderation Topic

User evilkolbot given 24 hrs for a miserable attempt at sarcasm while reporting a typo.


Dear BoingBoing BBS Overlords. Iā€™m still trying to understand the flow here but am enjoying the culture. I was wondering if someone could help me grasp why the post below was flagged as off topic, hidden, then restored, then moved to another thread. Any constructive feedback is welcome.


That is a community-started topic, and your post was moved by the community, presumably because the original topic was likely intended to be US-centric.

I tend to give more leniency to things like topicality and whatnot to topic creators for community posts, because they do not appear on the main page of Boing Boing proper.


Gotcha, did not see anything in the title or first post that indicated US centric and assumed it was outrage at mass murder everywhere. I appreciate the clarification.


User DeclanMcManus has been asked not to return.


As always, thank you for your effort. Iā€™m impressed that you take your time explaining yourself and to the BBS community guidelines, over and over again. And in thankful, because I know how easy it is for me to be very sure I am right in something. I usually read your mod posts and think about what I would feel if I were in the recieving end.


User Bernel has been removed for the remainder of 2020 for throwing insults at users in public and private messages. This is your reminder that PMs here follow the same guidelines as the remainder of the site. If your goal is to be an asshole to anyone else, do it elsewhere, please.


As always, thanks for your hard work and transparency!


User Vaughn_Stegeman has been asked not to return after declaring that bigotry and hatred are really all just people being too sensitive.

If thatā€™s your opinion, then it, and you, do not belong here.


User LDoBe has been given a timeout for (again) lobbing insults at other users, literally two posts after I requested that folks not do so. Our 19-day run of no suspension actions is sadly at an end.

If you canā€™t give your opinion without attacking others in the process, donā€™t post it here. Not only that, but being able to make your point without making it personal will go a long way towards more people paying attention to what you are trying to say in the first place, rather than scrolling past yet another online pissing match. Especially by adding ā€œshitā€ to another userā€™s name. We arenā€™t on a school playground. :roll_eyes:

Enough of this.


User Fabio has been asked not to return after a pattern of Immigrant FUD that has only been escalating. The most recent posts about how immigration must cease until there is a way to ā€œfilter out ISIS plantsā€ from the immigration flow is the same inane rhetoric thatā€™s used about every migrant population everywhere, and we donā€™t need that fear-mongering here.


driven to madness


Thx! I hope he comes to truly understand why he has been filtered out here. :expressionless:


Sadly, whatā€™s more likely is that heā€™ll just blame the forum at large for being ā€œa liberal echo chamber,ā€ rather than examining his own bias.


To some extent, thatā€™s true, insofar as weā€™re not going to tolerate bigotry, labelling wide swaths of the population, or blanket propaganda against immigration or science or reason as ā€œokā€.

The fact that any of that above is remotely the ā€œliberalā€ position in the first place is the real problem IMHO, and I keep waiting for the conservative ā€œWeā€™ve been co-opted by bigots and racistsā€ reckoning to come, yet it never does.


I donā€™t disagree at all.

At some point NOT BEING A TOTAL DICKHEAD TO OTHER PEOPLE somehow became a ā€œbadā€ thing, and I wish I could honestly say ā€˜I donā€™t know how or whenā€™ but I have some pretty damn good guesses.

You canā€™t build anything real and lasting on the back of lies and avarice, not to mention a crumbling infrastructure that was only ever meant to benefit one group above all others.

Eventually, every facade cracks and then breaks.


User unlicensed_bozo has been asked not to return. Their string of one-line comments, a large majority of which were single-sentence ā€œwhataboutismsā€ that were never followed up on, almost always derailed the topic, and often were removed as a result, contributed nothing here.


User acidrain69 has been asked not to return after exploding into a rant of tone-policing, pearl-clutching bad-faith faux indignation at having their position challenged.

Do not post here if you are not prepared to have your opinions and positions challenged. Do not post here if you are not prepared for criticism in equal or greater measure than praise. And do not pretend that such criticism or disagreement represents an ā€œattackā€ on you or your values. Your opinions are not your value, they are your opinions, presumably formed by your experiences and perspective. Your perspective does not invalidate or diminish all others.

Far too much of late I have watched tone-policing and pushback because we are all tired, and we are all done with fighting every day for some shred of normalcy. But the BBS exists in a unique place where we can discuss many hard topics because we remain civil and respectful of ideas, positions, and perspectives that differ, provided they fall within our community guidelines. Do not fall victim to this users pattern of behaviour and choose indignation at differing opinions as your reason to run roughshod over the community and lose your place here.

Thank you.


Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


I prefer to be beast.

Erm, when appropriate.