Gentleman fights trolley

It’d be interesting to have an exhibition game between the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers and the French Trolley Fighters.


always seem to think this is funnier than it should be…


Even without the audio I could tell he was French, or at least speaking French.
There’s something about the expressions someone makes when they’re being angry in French that needs no translation.

The buses around here have a rack on the front for bikes. Stick your bike in the rack and get on the bus.


He tried and was refused.

Folding bicycles with small wheels usually have considerably shorter wheelbases than conventional bikes, so they can’t use the racks that are meant to have the wheels inserted in holders.

It would work fine on the local buses. They have a shelf-like holder for the wheels and a retractable support arm. Nice design.

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I often use “the law of greater mass”. Even if you’re in the right, the law of greater mass always wins, and what would you rather be, right and in the hospital, or wrong and not injured?

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I thought that was the whole point of folding bicycles: you collapse them before boarding, then they are classified as luggage.

On a similar note, there was some debate about electric scooters in Germany, and the rule that was passed was that you can only take it on public transportation in folders (collapsed) form. Those that can’t be folded can’t ride.

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