Gentleman with small dinghy rams larger boat with unfortunate consequences

If I were a juror, I’d accept that there’s no way to prove she was going to assault him since all she got away with was whacking his already deflating dinghy and further intentions are speculation.


oh, man! don’t get me started with the stories that totally confirm what you just said.
used to take a 17ft ski boat out fishing and playing on the Columbia, up from Wanapum dam around Vantage, WA (where I90 crosses the river)
hit a sandbar and totally wanked the prop on the merc. still made it to the boat ramp, slowly.
next day, we’re back out fishing, just trolling slowly.
no more skiing that weekend.


Seriously? 43 posts in and nobody posted this yet?



Sometimes a “right c##tis just a little man in a boat.


Isn’t that the end to any bachelor party


How does that work for your friend who lives on-boat, is there dinghy parking on-shore so he can go to work, get groceries, etc?

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Jesus. You’d have to pay me quite a bit to take a dunk in the Charles. And there’s no amount you could pay me to take a dip in the Harbor. Heck, the Merrimack where we moved near to Lowell is even worse.

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Former Ellensburger here. The Columbia at Vantage is so gorgeous in the summertime.


yeah cause boning boing is a completely different type of site. I think it is either about cleaning fish on a pogo stick or sex on same.


I’m still trying to figure out what he was so upset about to begin with. Were they kicking up a wake in a no wake zone?

Apparently, and that is indeed shitty behavior. I could see if people were repeatedly violating that, the frustration could easily build up to a rage. If you are working on your boat in harbor it can be very dangerous to have someone throw a wake at your boat. Like, losing or crushing a hand kinda dangerous.

That said, anyone who goes into a self-destructive rage over it instead of talking to the harbormaster is also rather a problem in themselves.


I am guessing that mass quantities of ale had something to do with his behavior.
I have not evidence other than a gut feeling on that claim


Dinghy on the dock. Boat’s on an anchorage.

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