It’s not just your attitude… it’s anyone who thinks that we can’t fix anything because it’s too hard. And yes, you’re very much expressing that attitude. Is it easy? Of course, not. Will we succeed in making a change like that? Maybe not. But as a historian, I can tell you that no change was made by people not taking any action and assuming there is no way to do that. There very much is… we’re all historical agents who can help make change. But if you give up before you even start, that’s not going to get shit done.
There’s also nothing else. It’s not like there is some law of physics or divine power holding the second amendment in place. There’s only people and what they think about it.
That’s the problem with the originalist interpretation (and frankly, the white supremacist interpretation) of the constitution… that it’s a sacrosanct document that may never be changed, because the founder fathers were akin to gods, and never got anything wrong… Well, what a load of horse hockey! they were human, and got lots of things wrong. But they were smart enough to realize (maybe) that shit changes, and as such, they made it a “iving” document rather than a dead one. the fact that there is a mechanism (no matter how imperfect) for changing the thing shows that…