Giant sponge-filled syringe for plugging shotgun wounds

You can’t fool me, I’ve seen lots of movies and shoulder wounds hardly bleed at all.

Denise Richards in Starship Troopers tooks a huge bug claw through the shoulder but was happily walking around a couple scenes later.


The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun…and a giant sponge syringe.


I can’t help but wonder how many animals were shot (possibly multiple times) for this to be tested, re-tested and deemed effective.

Lol, I am genuinely surprised by the “what if a kid swallows them?” “how many animals were shot?” responses.

No one is condoning animal testing or unsafe children’s toys, but would you NOT want these to be standard issue with paramedics? Gunshots are not the only things that lead to paramedics needing to staunch significant bleeding. Could they have helped woulded at the boston marathon bombing? Could they help auto accident victims? Would they be useful to have for the next school shooting?

I bet they would.


I don’t own a giant sponge filled syringe.

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In my picky way, I should like to point out that it is used to “stanch” wounds, not “staunch” them. Yes, I will now fall upon my shotgun.


That’s because she lives in a future where giant sponge-filled syringes have received FDA clearance…


I think it’s most likely that Cory doesn’t know the difference.


Do I not see this guy popping up in commercials? He was great in this scene.

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And pelvic wounds aren’t serious either because in “Red 2” Helen Mirren gets shot right through the pelvis with an exit would (ie a little red dot) indicating the bullet has passed through the ilium on the way out. A couple scenes later she is driving away laughing and joking.

I don’t ever see myself needing one of these, but I want one for my oversized first aid kit.

It is absolutely marvelous that someone invented such a useful thing but inversely is absolutely horrible that such a thing needs to exist.

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Yes, I will now fall upon my shotgun.

My shogun thanks you for your consideration.

Something similar is used by Judge Dredd in the recent Karl Urban movie.

I know it’s just a mockup, but it bothers me that the syringe plunger is fully depressed yet the plunger head is still at the top, SYRINGES DO NOT WORK THAT WAY, GOODNIGHT!

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There was something in the original article about them being designed so that when you’re carrying it around, the plunger bit isn’t out. So it’s more compact.

Didn’t quite get how it worked from the description, but there you go. Likely some kind of catch so that you pull out the plunger, it catches on the applicator part, then you push it in. Or something. I’m not an engineer, what do you want from me?

staunch != stanch

I think you mean the sponges stanch the flow of blood.
</pedantic editor>

It probably works a lot like tampon applicators. One part is pulled outward until it locks into place.