Giant venomous flying spiders headed for New York


College alternative, or a Bowie cover band.


Many spiders use "ballooning when they are newly hatched.

Most spider bites are venomous, painful but not lethal, like this one.

So we have another click-bait headline.


From their wikipedia entry:

As of 2022, because of the relative lack of information about its ecology, their impact on their new ecosystem is unknown. They have been observed catching the brown marmorated stink bug (Halymorpha halys ), an invasive species that native spiders have not been known to eat, and it has also been hoped that they may consume mosquitoes and flies, although flies, mosquitoes, and many other flying insects are consumed by native species of all sorts. Some hope that the impact of the species will be positive due to their harmless nature and consumption of primarily invasive or nuisance insects.

Sounds like these are not going to be a problem, and will actually be a good thing, and maybe they’ll target the spotted lanterflies. :man_shrugging:

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I remember reading up on some research when I encountered the social webs of then-Nephila in Madagascar. They really look a bit scary, with several large spider girls sitting in a giant web across the streets in Tana. But their silk is absolutely breathtaking. As far as I remember, a member of the Nephilidae has the strongest of all spider silks. And just look at that garment displayed here (yes, this isn’t a banana, but it is still worth the click):


I, for one, welcome our new Joro spider masters.


Animated GIF

@docosc: Bowie cover band for sure!


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