GIF of greatness: Pug escapes Mexican blanket

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And then Don puts him back in the blanket.

“Nobody loves Pugs as much as I do, but they’re criminals.”


Isn’t that supposed to be an intelligence test? Toss a blanket over your critter and see how long it takes to get out… If that is true, perhaps my assumptions about pugs need adjustment.

Yaaaaay! Damn, I loves me some pugs.

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Freaks! They’re Freaks!
Humans playing God, and THIS is what we create.

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Who hasn’t tossed a blanket over their dog (or baby) while asking “where’s Bobo?”

I can’t not love them, cos they’re still dogs. I love dogs. Even little, wheezy, googly-eyed dogs covered in their own dribble.


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