GIFs reveal what it’s like to be colorblind

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Oy vey, those GIFs are killing the steam-driven calculating engine that I call my computer. Regular BB editors, can you please emphasise the use of the cut tags for guest editors a little more in their welcome packs?


I was going to crack wise about colour being a delusion, until I noticed that I can barely tell the difference in the Blue Weak/Tritanomaly GIF. Maybe I have it? Spooky.


I second this. I watched that gif about a dozen times but couldn’t spot the difference.


Yeah, is there really a difference in the Blue-Weak/Tritanomaly one?

Here’s a link to it, so we don’t add a bunch of resource-hogging gifs to the bbs as well.

I can make myself think that there’s a bit of loss of saturation, but if I cover up the label and let it spin for a while without looking, when I come back I can’t tell which is which. I’m pretty sure the red doorframe is more saturated in the non-modified one, but they may just be messing with me.

I’ve always passed all the dot tests with flying colors. (20 years ago, but color-blindness isn’t affected by age, is it?)


There is a difference, but it’s slight. I notice the desaturation most in the blue bag beneath the guitarist’s chair, and in the blue shirt on the woman walking into the shop.

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Well that’s strange. Blue blind appears to be missing blue receptors, and red blind looks like its missing red receptors, or that they are very weak, but Green blind, appears as if the green receptors are on overdrive. IIRC one of the most common cases is Red and Green, or is it Red an Blue?

Also the teal doorframe isn’t nearly as vibrant. But all the changes in that GIF are pretty darn subtle.


It’s the old conundrum of whether we all see the same colour red. Except that red/green colour-blind folk demonstrably do see a different “red” from trichromatics since it’s indistinguishable from green. To demonstrate it to the retinotypical, it should be equally valid to change the red to green or the green to red (or both to yellow, maybe?).

Whew, came to the comments to (hopefully) find out that I’m not the only one.
From the source page:

Tritanomaly, or blue weakness, is extremely rare and causes the eyes to not pick up blues and yellows as sharply. It’s similar to tritanopia in that it affects blues and yellows; but unlike tritanopia, it involves a mutation of the S-cones of the eyes — not a complete absence of them. With tritanomaly, blues and yellows are viewed duller than usual.


Protip: The photo that isn’t switching? That’s the kind of color-blindness YOU HAVE.

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Alternatively, maybe its a sign that the OP should write a sentence or two for each gif explaining what is different and what it means, rather than dumping a load of gifs with little explanation.

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Plus, lousy gif compression.

I had to pull that blue one into photoshop and grab a couple frames to be sure that anything was changing. I thought I noticed a change but wasn’t sure. I even went to a couple CB test websites before turning to photoshop, both of which said I had normal vision. Flipping a couple frames it looks to me like there’s a slight red tint over the affected frame.


These can be re-purposed on R/filmmakers as Color Correction examples

Thanks, that makes the difference a lot more obvious.

Yes, I was thinking it was like someone put a rose-coloured filter over the lens (because despite using Photoshop for 25 years, I still think in terms of actual physical objects sometimes). Maybe a red photofilter at 5–10% in Photoshop?

“Cut tags”?

The HTML tag or whatever-it-is that inserts “(More…)” after the intro on the blog page, that when you click on it takes you to the full post.

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Got it. Thought you were describing a way to post img links that would scale the image itself (other than setting width/height in the link code).

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