Originally published at: Giraffe poop seized from woman who planned to wear it as necklace | Boing Boing
In US Customs, giraffe poops on you (from a great height).
First off - how? Do you encase them in resin?
Second off - uh - why? WHHHYYYY??
For the… shits and giggles??
I appreciate the brown sharpie they used to document this.
Judging by the sharpie, that poop is scarcely bigger than rabbit pellets.
(I do not want to meet a 14-foot tall rabbit, much less make jewelry from its leavings.)
That looks just like what the deer leave in our yard in exchange for our delicious roses.
Fucking deer.
Some kind of fashion! Sh*ttered.
(I guess there’s no accounting for taste.)
How are people this stupid? She could have brought in parasites, all manner of insect and other invertebrate pests, seeds from invasive plant species… not to mention the threats to humans from bacteria, viruses, etc.
Think of the size of the Easter Egg!!
This is why America’s giraffe poop industry is doing so poorly. Buy domestic!
obligatory “no shit, Sherlock”, goes here.
Domestic zoo doo is widely available, not something she had to import.
Did she lose the snail shell too then? Was it for the same necklace or something else? I know very little about fecal fashion aside from what you hear about MAGA decorators.
Simple, they just don’t care.
We have the same problem here in Australia, where people don’t think our EXTREMELY strong biosecurity laws don’t apply to them.
Yeah, we’re constantly getting new plant pests in California because people illegally import all sorts of plants - and they know it’s wrong, as they eventually get caught falsifing the import documents.
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