Originally published at: Good samaritans rescue two stranded dogs in Belgium floodwater | Boing Boing
So, in this case are the “wonderful creatures” the ones that are contributing their upright stance and grasping arms to help some other ones out?
I’m glad that climate change is a lefty, anti-fa myth.
Landscape! Landscape! Landscape!
How sad is it that we have to wonder if this is enough for people to change their mind? Will they claim this footage is a hoax? Is it all the effects of the Jewish space lasers?
Damn, that water is moving pretty fast. Looks like that one person towards the end of the video almost got swept away and had to grab onto the nearby building.
That phrase really sums up the terror of the situation.
ted Backpfeifengesicht cruz said he’d believe in the climate crisis when texass froze over, so…
Probably just that it is a freak event and has nothing to do with global heating. I mean water isn’t the same as heat, right? If I hear my apartment it doesn’t start to rain, right?
Oh yes, these good people took some considerable risks. Flood waters are extremely dangerous.
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