Google hires private ferry service

“I can’t name any off the top of my head, but we’ve had quite a few bug out here downstate, mostly industrial jobs, so mostly jobs that employ thousands of people at a time.”

let me rephrase that for you

“you wouldn’t know her, she’s from Canada”

much better

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I think the argument (from people against such things) goes thusly: if Google didn’t make it so easy for people to commute from San Francisco, Google employees would choose to live closer to work (and get the hell out of SF). I disagree with that theory, but there’s really no way to prove one way or the other unless you DO get rid of Google’s awesome transportation options.

Very little about Boing Boing suggests that anyone here gives a crap about poor people.
Take that, everyone at Boing Boing!


Yeah, Boing Boing doesn’t ever give one crap about poor people, that’s for sure… :confused:

I'd argue that beschizza is concern trolling.
Why not, he's obviously a scumbag who doesn't give a crap about poor people, so anything is possible.
I'm guessing most of them would crap themselves and run fast if we dropped them into East St. Louis or Cairo.
Yes, those Boing Boing cowards.

So… when’s the last time you went to a disaster area’s evacuation zone to help get a news story?

Yeah… hope you don’t fall off your little pedestal while trying to shove your foot in your mouth.


Ya, Shane. I’ve read you, liked some things you said, disagree with some things you said. But this particular quote is one worth chewing on, and upon digesting, reflecting upon it.

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How do those show that BoingBoing is unconcerned about poor people?



He’s got me bang to rights, though.

Mind you, I don’t like rich people either. Or people in-between.


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